Untitled Part 11

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Kevin: Emmy, stop!

Emmy: what?

Kevin: what the hell is wrong with you?

Emmy: nothing... leave me alone!

Kevin: no I won't until you tell what's going on!

Emmy: don't you remember?

Kevin: remember what?

Emmy: last... night

Kevin (trying to remember): no I don't

Emmy: you were drunk

Kevin: what happened last night?

Emmy: just forget about it

Kevin: no I won't

Emmy: you better

Abbie (came at that moment): guys?

Emmy (I looked at him sadly and left): I have to go

Abbie: Kevin? What happened?

Kevin: I really don't know

Kevin was the whole day thinking about Emmy's words (don't you remember last night... you better forget about it) and he was trying to remember, but he couldn't, he must know what happened, at lunch he tried to talk to her

Kevin: Emily!

I ignored him and took a sit next to Abbie, and he sat right in front of me, fixed his eyes on me so I couldn't eat, I cough

Kevin: easy!

Emmy: idiot

The last hours of work I was so nervous

Abbie: Emmy, are you ok?

Emmy: I'm fine

Abbie: are you sure

Emmy: yeah!

Abbie: what happened last night, tell me

Emmy: what? Did he tell you anything?

Abbie: no he didn't! is it something bad?

Emmy: no!!

Abbie: trust me

Emmy: I can't

Abbie: you can't hide

Emmy (hesitating): I don't know

Abbie: just tell me

Emmy: Kevin kissed me

Abbie (shocked): what?

Emmy: yup! And thank god he can't remember

Abbie: yeah! Thank god!

Emmy: what do you mean?

Abbie: nothing! Just don't worry about it ok?

Emmy: fine!

When Emily left, Abbie was thinking, Kevin shouldn't know about this, he shouldn't, after these words she fainted

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