Untitled Part 18

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Emily: are you asking me? We have to take her to the hospital. We took her to the hospital and the doctor told us that she has to do the operation as soon as possible, today. We were all shocked, because she was really sick, and the situation was really dangerous, I couldn't stay there, I felt kind of guilty, I have to go, I can't stay near them, Kevin has to help Abbie, and he can't as long as I'm here, I'm going back home. I checked out the hotel, took a taxi to the airport, straight to New York, far away from Kevin, Abbie and Jade, a new start, new life, I want to forget everything, but his love is going to buried inside of me, Kevin is the most beautiful thing I've ever had in my life.

I went back home, I went back to my old life, to my old house, everything was just like I left it, but no job, no friends, only my cats, I have to start from nothing, one more time, at least I have my diploma, well, I hope it works , I slept for a while, and I woke up with an idea, I have to call Adam,

Adam: Hello!

Emmy: Adam, it's me! Hello? Are you there?

Adam: yes Emily,

Emmy: I want to talk to you

Adam: do you?

Emmy: yes!

Adam: where are you?

Emmy: I'm home

Adam: ok, I'll be there in 30 min

Emmy: thank you

I missed him, and I was sorry for him, and I really didn't know what to say or what to do, he knocked the door, his knock was different, he was s different, he came in

Adam: Emily, are you ok?

I was like waiting for him ask me so I can let my tears go down and wet my cheeks, he hugged me.

Adam: what happened, Emily? What's wrong? Talk to me!

Emily: Adam I'm tired, I can't support this anymore

Adam: now sit down and tell me everything from the start

I sat down, he brought me water, and I told him everything, I told him about every moment and every feeling every look every touch with Kevin, I told him about my love, I told him that left, I sacrificed my love for the life of one person, our story hadn't even begun to end, I told him about my pain, about the pain in my heart.

Adam: OMG! Emily, this is too much to take, hold on a minute, did you leave without even telling him, what about your love, wait! What about your dream?

Emily: and what about Abbie? I couldn't just let her die

Adam: what's wrong with you people, her life isn't in the hand of Kevin,

Emily: no it isn't but I couldn't let feel more pain by seeing us together, her pain is enough! You have to understand

Adam: and what are you going to do now?

Emily: I don't know, I'll look for another job, I will start over!

Adam: I will talk to a friend of mine, he'll help you, he works in a hotel

Emily: really?

Adam: of course!

Emily: Adam, thank you so much! Wait tell me about you now! is there Anything special?

Adam: actually, there is!

Emily: what?

Adam: I guess that I'm getting married!

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