Untitled Part 19

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Emily: omg! Are you?

Adam: yes, I am!

Emily: who's the girl?

Before he could answer, his phone rang!

Adam: babe! Yes, of course.... I'll pick you up at 8PM... don't worry I won't be late... I love you!

Emily: is that her?

Adam: yup!

Emily: that's amazing, I'm so happy for you!

My phone was ringing, it was Kevin he was calling me several times since I left, but I didn't want to talk to him, I just wanted to forget about him, to get him out of my life, and out of my heart, and it was better keeping him away, I've changed my number, I got a new work In that hotel, and I rent a new house, a new whole life. Today, was Adam's engagement, so I checked out my work a bit earlier than my usual time to help Sarah get prepared, I didn't tell you that her name is Sarah, and we became best friends, she's really kind, and I told her my story with Kevin, her and Adam helped so much this while to get better. So I got dressed up, and made up, we were ready at 7PM, Adam picked us up, everybody was there, Sarah's family, Kevin's family, but only one was missing, Sarah was waiting for him with passion, it was her brother, she didn't see him for too long, he was working I guess, well they didn't want to put their rings without him, we've been waiting for an hour, until he called her, he was there,

Sarah (run towards him and hugged him): OMG! Kevin! I miss you so much!

Kevin: I miss you too baby girl!

I just can't believe it, Kevin is Sarah'sbrother, Kevin, I was staring at him, when he saw me he was chocked, I couldfeel his heart beats, I could hear his breaths, he couldn't see anyone anymore,he passed them, came in front of me, held my waist, he pulled me angrily, withpassion, he hugged me, he held me really tight, I could feel his warm, his bodywas on fire, mine was too, I just missed him, so much!! But after a moment Iremembered everything, Abbie, and I pushed him away, everyone was watching us, they were asking about what's happening, I pushed him and just left, I went back home and I couldn't stop my tears from falling, I cried for hours and hours until I fell asleep on the couch. Suddenly I heard something hitting the glass of my window one time and other time knocking really hard on the door, I freaked out, what's happening, I opened the door slowly, it was Kevin, he was crying, and drunk, he pushed the door, and pushed me with it,

Emily: are you crazy? What are you doing?

Kevin (closed the door and hugged me): shush! I miss you! I miss you so much! Emily why did you go? Why did you leave me all this time, and you know that I would die without you!

Emily: but! Kevin! Abbie..!

Kevin: shush just don't talk, just hug me!

Emily: (I really miss him too and I couldn't resist his hug, I love him so much, and I decided to be just us tonight, just me and him, so I let it happen)

The next morning Kevin woke on the licking of cats, he didn't realize what's happening, he opened his eyes, he looked around to find his love, his girl between his arms, he sniffed her, he took a deep breath like he couldn't breathe for long a time until he found her again, he was looking for her everywhere, he was calling her but she didn't answer she changed her number her address she just vanished, he lost his hope of finding her until he saw her yesterday in his sister's ceremony, he was so angry, so relieved, so happy, seeing her again was all he was looking for, he couldn't lose her again, but when she left he was upset, he got drunk, took the address from Adam and broke in, so he could spend that night with her, the only love he's ever had.

When I woke up I was between his arms, he was watching me, and smiling like a baby, I couldn't resist smiling back at him, but then I realized that this dream will end as soon as possible, my tears stepped on my cheeks.

Kevin: what's wrong with you? Emily, why are you crying? Babe look at me

Emily: don't call me babe!

Kevin: I will, you are my bay, you know that, you know that nothing can get us away from each other, I promised you that I would do everything to get you, I asked you to wait for me, but you left, you broke me then, I was looking for you everywhere , the movie is off, my life was off, I couldn't move on, Abby's fine now, and she's getting married to her doctor, we've wasted a lot of time, a lot of our time, we have to be together, we are meant to be together, Emmy, I love you! Will you marry me!

Emily: OMG! Kevin! Are you serious?

Kevin: of course I am, I just can't wait any more

Emily: of course I will, of course

That day was the best day in my life, I got my life back, after one month we set up our marriage with Adam and Sarah's, I can't believe that I'm getting married to Kevin, to the man I love, after all this time away from each other, and all the obstacles, we're finally getting married. Everything is ready, Abby and her husband were there too, Adam and Kevin was waiting for the brides to come out, since my father is dead it was Sarah's father who delivered us both, I wish my parents were with me, my happiness would be complete, at least I got married to the love of my life, and we lived happily forever after... I'm just kidding, of course after our wedding, marriage life is quite different, we faced more problems, but together we could handle them, he's never let my hand and I would never let him go!

 The End.

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