Untitled Part 2

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 I was watching them, and feeling like the world is turning around me, like I was going to fall until my best friend noticed my sickness while I was serving orders and I was on the verge of throwing glasses and fall

Adam: Emmy? Are you okay?

Emmy: I feel like falling

Adam: you should go eat something, you're so pale

Emmy: yes I will take this order to that table, and I'll be back

So I went ahead to that table where the birthday girl and her boyfriend and their friends were sitting, I was getting closer and closer, my eyes were getting bigger and bigger, OMG! He looks so handsome, he is such a handsome young man, Jade, I heard her calling him Jade, he was In his black suit, laughing and talking, I can say that I've never seen a smile like his, ok I have to wake up now

Emmy (I stood next to him to take their orders): Good evening, what would you like to drink?

Jade: cocktails...

Before I could hear everything he was saying, I started seeing things in double, I couldn't hear what they were saying anymore, I let the glasses fall of my hands, and I fainted, before I could fall on the ground he caught me

Jade (carried Emily and put her on the couch): can you hear me? Open your eyes, give me some water, come on, (he took the glass of water and made her drink it slowly)

I felt something cold going through my throat, and big hands hitting on my cheeks really softly, I opened my eyes, and I saw him, my eyes met his brown bright ones and I couldn't take them off

Jade: are you ok miss?

I looked around everyone was checking me, Adam was sitting near me, waiting for my reply

Adam: Emmy? She didn't eat for a while, that's why she fainted, I'm going to take her inside, excuse me

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