♞ Chap. {08} ♞

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♞This is the same events that happened in the last chapter,however, it is told through Takashi's eyes. ♞

     Takashi Morinozuka didn't know what to expect as his small cousin, Mistukuni Haninozuka, talked animatedly about going over to Nico Akashi's house: going on and on about how they needed to pick him up

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     Takashi Morinozuka didn't know what to expect as his small cousin, Mistukuni Haninozuka, talked animatedly about going over to Nico Akashi's house: going on and on about how they needed to pick him up.

   The dark haired male wasn't at all bothered by this, in fact he found that junkie quite amusing. Ever since the locker room incident the dirty blonde haired boy was such a hassle— and rather much more of a bother in his opinion. However Nico Akashi did in fact catch the interest of the oldest Morinozuka child.

   Takashi didn't know why, nor could he find the reason to why such a peculiar boy could catch his attention so easily. Yet that hazel eyed boy did and the tall about-to-be-second-year really didn't know if he had any complaints of the manner.

   Stepping out of the limo, he and his blonde cousin walked forward to the residents of Akashi— the littlest one determined to make the oldest and only son of the Akashi household to come to the small meeting at Ouran academy. That the president of the host club will be explaining the rules and such.

   "Hello—" A Maid had answered the door, her short dark greenish hair held by a ribbon as she blushed looking at the two gentlemen before her.

   Takashi didn't say anything, this was simply the reaction he had always got from people. Whether it was good or not. Staying silent he let his cousin explain what they had been doing here, and like that the maid led them inside in the large opened area greeting room— a grand stair case going up and splitting both ways heading towards two long hallways.

   Yes this was extremely far too extravagant— making Takashi wonder what kind of work Nico's  parents did in order to buy something as grand as this. Though, Nico never did look like a trillionare at first glance, mostly because of his sloppy appearance and terrible eating habits.

   "Rosè, who is it— Mori~senpai?! H-Hani~senpai!" Shouted a very gleeful voice, footsteps came rushing down the grand stairs— a young beautiful girl with dirty blonde hair and bright hazel eyes— making Takashi's  own dark eyes slightly widen. 

   Who was this female! She looked exactly like Nico, besides the fact she had a growing chest and long flowing hair.

   "Oh, are you Akashi~san's Sister?" Asked Mistukuni, hugging his bunny while looking up at the girl with his big brown eyes.

  "Y-Yeah," She twirled a piece of her hair, "A-Are you guys looking for Nii~chan? I'll g-go find him wait here," And with that the young girl bounded off, going straight towards a door that Takashi failed to notice that seemed to have led to a sun room.

   "My mistress is off to the yard where, Sir Akashi, is sitting, would you like me to escort you to him—" Before the maid could say anything Mistukuni bounded off excitedly, running forward leaving the maid and Takashi standing there alone.

   "Thanks," Was all Takashi said, very quietly before heading to find his cousin.

   However what he hadn't expected was for him to now be gazing at the bare smooth legs of Nico Akashi— who was innocently sitting in a lawn chair eating a banana split. Of course the food junkie would be junking again on food, that was to be expected out of him.

   "Go away," Had grumbled Nico, making Takashi break out of his thoughts and focus on the conversation.

His eyes trying to keep in contact with Nico's face and not stray away, though he couldn't help but wonder why the Akashi's eldest son had such smooth hairless legs— that looked almost like a girls legs!

"No school starts soon—" Takashi watched as Nico had stiffen, which bemused the taller Male, "—and Suoh promised us to show all of us the club room! And meet our other member!" Mistukuni had explained, crossing his arms with a pucker of his lip.

"Must I—" Takashi watched, feeling himself slightly freeze as those Hazel eyes connected with his without faltering then trailed to his sister, then trailed to Takashi's cousin.

Watching Nico grab a handful of cherries with a nod the hazel eyed boy said:

   "I'll go change," And with that, the boy had strutted off.

   And looked amazing doing so.

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