♞ Chap. {15} ♞

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     Being ashamed of being called a Junkie, wasn't in Nico's agenda as he awkwardly dwindled with his thumbs in his lap

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     Being ashamed of being called a Junkie, wasn't in Nico's agenda as he awkwardly dwindled with his thumbs in his lap.

"Food helps me calm down," Nodded Nico, acknowledging the subject at hand mostly since he couldn't ignore it now.

   Seika only,in return, scooted the plate of mini sandwiches farther away.

   "Nico! That isn't healthy," She pouted, trying to act as girly as possibly, "What if you get diabetes?" She stated, nose crinkling in disgust.

  "Diabetes?" Repeated Mistukuni, joining in on the conversation—hanging off of his cousin.

   All the while Takashi was getting ready to yeet himself and Nico out of there.

   "Yeah, it'd be a shame if you couldn't eat sweets anymore,"

   "No need to worry, I take vitamins every day, plus exercise every other day."

   "But still—"

  Nico places a finger on the plump lips of the red haired girl, giving off a charming smile.

   "No need to worry," Nico tilted his head as he gave a closed eye smile, "Kay?" He finished off, adorably making guests squeal in happiness.

   Some even fainting on the spot.

  Seika just huffed, before leaning into the seconds heats touch.

   "Alright, if you say so."

   Nico just continued to smile happily however, Mistukuni and Takashi knew better than to trust that smile.

   The two boys could practically feel the murderous aura emitting from Nico. As he smiled, and continued to do so throughout the rest of the after noon.

  On the contrary, a question was beginning to arise:

   How did Nico become a Junkie?

J U N K I E ☞Takashi Morinozuka☜Where stories live. Discover now