♞Chap. {11}♞

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    Scribbling Down answers on a worksheet, the hazel eyed boy let out an annoyed grunt at the presence of Takashi glooming down at him

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    Scribbling Down answers on a worksheet, the hazel eyed boy let out an annoyed grunt at the presence of Takashi glooming down at him.

   Ever since their "limo scene" Nico has been more lenient on hanging out with the dark haired male, but Takashi seemed to be just too clingy. Was this what Haninozuka has to deal with every day? Damn,what a bother!

   "That's wrong," Muttered the quiet Male, making the shorter teen turn.

   "Do what?"

   "That's not the central idea,"

   Grumbling Nico just looked down at his English homework, frowning since he seemed so confident in that answer—only for it to be wrong! Wait, how did Takashi even know the answer?!

  "Pfff, you don't know that," Replied the dirty blonde haired boy, peering over at the other, as they both sat in the bustling library.

  "Suit yourself," Shrugged Takashi in a monotone voice, even though he had a smug look in his dark eyes.

  Looking at him for a few more moment, Nico groaned.

  "Fine," He grouched out, erasing his answer then went to find the correct answer.

  A slow smile appeared on Takashi's face as Nico muttered words of annoyance, grumbling as he reread the passage then flipped back to the question to find the answer.

   How cute.

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