♞ Chap. {17} ♞

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   "You gay?"

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   "You gay?"

    Takashi coughed violently at the sudden question—feeling the tea go down the wrong pipe as he coughed. Which bemused the dirty blonde haired boy,who at the moment was resting his head in Takashi's lap, much so like Mistukuni does.

     "You're so flustered, yet you did kiss me," Nico purred, a sly smile crawling on his face as a pale pink dust bloomed across Takashi's cheeks.

      "How OC like you are, the author is doing a terrible job with this scene," Hummed Nico, covering his eyes with his arm, "Must be writers block latching onto him, no wonder he published this screwed up chapter," Nico Grunted, while letting out a tired sigh in the process.

     Unaware of the confused stare Takashi was giving him, yet let it slide, Nico had always said some weird stuff in the past. This wasn't really anything new.

     "But seriously," The boy sat up, frowning as he kept steady eye contact with the stoic Male, "Do you like me? Or are you just screwing with me? Hm?" He asked, crossing his arms, eyes casting away.

    Nico was scared to hear the truth come out of the dark haired males mouth, if Takashi were to say no, what would the junkie do? Probably eat his sorrows away like usual, but what else would he do?

    That's it, there's nothing Nico would be able to do.

   "Yes," Spoke Takashi, nodding curtly,making the hazel eyed boy freeze up in.


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