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"Mind telling me why you won't go back to your apartment." Xavier speaks, taking a seat on his couch next to a laid out Devin.

"He might still be there." Devin grumbles, face head down into the couch.

"I thought you said you were finished with drinking." Xavier laughs out already knowing that Devin probably remembers not a damn thing she did last night.

Devin had sworn off drinking her sophomore year, after she was arrested and the situation was almost leaked to the news. Luckily it didn't and her sports career remains intact.

"Ugh, just remind me to never go to a frat party, like ever again. And i mean ever again." She responds with a serious tone.

A ping sounds through the lounge area. Devin lifts her head a little looking for her phone. Then plops back down deciding on finding it later, even though it's just sitting on the tv stand.

Xavier hops off the couch and grabs her phone for her. His eyes scanning over the message that was sent to her.

"It's your coach, and she wants you to explain something to her." Xavier informs retaking his seat on the couch.

"Huh?" Devin grunts out, why would her coach need her to explain anything.

"There's a video attachment, dang Devin what'd you do last night." He types in her passcode, which he knows is her dad's birthday. Pressing the video attachment, he sinks back into the couch, getting comfortable and preparing to laugh.

The video starts to play and its of Devin chugging from a keg. No wonder she needed a hangover drink Xavier thought.

"Dev you know you're a lightweight right? So why'd you-" He can't even finish his sentence without laughing. He can only imagine the dumb stuff she did, "s-so why did you chug from a keg?"

Devin finally sits up, eyeing Xavier before snatching her phone away. Looking at the video and there she was. Who records someone drinking in the first place.

Now she was going to have to come up with an excuse to tell her coach. It's barely illegal for her to be drinking, she'd be twenty one in a couple months.

She shoots a text back to her coach: Don't worry coach, it was just water :)

That was the best excuse she could come up with off the top of her head. Thinking was not worth the strain put on her brain.

She doesn't get a response so she tosses her phone on the floor. Flopping back down on the couch.

"Y'know he's probably gone, it's been what three hours." Xavier did in fact have a point. It had been so long so Jai had most likely already left.

"All you had to say is you wanted me to leave." Devin grumbles standing to take her leave.

"I didn't mean it like that."

Devin gives him a bored expression. "Is KC supposed to be coming over?"


"Then you did mean it like that, see you later big head." Devin walks slow as ever to the front door, her body still aching.

Walking out into the hallway, headed for the elevator. Eager to lay down again. She has two classes later on today, and she just wants to sleep.

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