sixteen [mature]

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"Don't tell me this is making you horny?" Devin halfheartedly whispers not thinking to much of her words. Until she observes Jai a bit more. "It is isn't it?" Devin exclaims not really meaning to make it a big deal, although she clearly did. Jai looks up at Devin with doe eyes, his pupils dilated, his cheeks a rosy shade of pink.

Jai wasn't enjoying the scary movie much so they randomly chose something else to watch. Devin had seen the movie before but she didn't expect it to arouse Jai.

"N-no." Jai stutters in response, his expression is one of a deer caught in headlights. Devin on the other hand completely flabbergasted. The scene is so simple, it doesn't even look appealing to Devin.

"It looks fun, is all." Jai attempts to defend himself when in actuality he doesn't need to.

"Fun? Fun as in you on top? Or..." Devin finds herself intrigued at Jai's simple words.

"Maybe..." Jai looks off to the side before looking back at the tv screen. The scene in the movie dying down. "So you'd be willing to do that with someone? Huh the more you know." Devin holds a small smirk on her face. Plenty of random thoughts flashing through the girls mind.

"I'm not gay Devin, so drop the smirk. I don't like dudes." Jai slaps her arm slightly, with a roll of his eyes.

"Please explain to me how that works then, i'm a little new to everything."

"I'd be willing to do it with you, no one else." Jai stands from his seated position. Walking over to the island and grabbing up a random bag of chips. Devin hops up to the best of her abilities following him. "You lost me, i'm confused. I'm not a guy I don't have the parts for that." Jai just stares at her as if the girl couldn't be more stupid.

"Well duh Devin, ever heard of a strap on?" If Devins eyes couldn't get any wider they did. Let's just say that thought never crossed her mind. "You mean like a-" Devin proceeds to do a bunch of motions near her groin. "Yes Devin that's exactly what I mean."

"Oh kind of kinky, I like it." Devin makes her way behind Jai. As of recently the girl had been scheming almost all the time. That 'i want to get away' attitude has completely diminished. "So hypothetically speaking if I had a strap on you'd let me do something like this." Devin ground her groin into the back of him. She pulls him by his hips farther back into her. With a small push his upper body is leaning on the counter. While his lower body is being held by Devin. She seen this position somewhere in a video. She runs a single finger down the curve of his back.

"You'd let me do this." Devin's questions more like statements. She plants a firm hand on Jai's backside, bringing her hand up before slapping him playfully. Devin doesn't seem to realize the affect she's having on Jai.

"D-devin i'd let you do whatever you want." Jai squeaks biting down on his bottom lip hard. Squeezing his eyes shut while trying to control his breathing. "Good." Devin responds walking back to her couch and plopping down. She clearly has mastered teasing Jai and in such a short amount of time at that. Jai stays bent over the counter trying to regain his composure. If he was horny before he's beyond horny now.

"Jesus." Jai mutters just now realizing the full effect Devin has on him. Trudging back over to the couch himself, he sits down. His body rigid, how does one continue viewing a movie with a painful hard on. "Let me ask you something else, why that outfit?" Devin questions Jai not sparing him a glance knowing he's probably blushing like hell. Devin already knows oversized sweaters and jeans are his thing, clearly he's stepped out of his comfort zone to wear a see through top. "I uh thought you might like it."

Devin finally looks at him, low and behold his face is red as a beet, "well I do, in fact it'd look better on the floor. The pants would too." Her eyes pierce through Jai, their gaze intense. "So take 'em off." Jai fumbles with his pants, sliding them off as quickly as he can. Devin just stares at his lower half. "Those for me as well?" Jai nods his head yes.

"Came prepared I see. Now I want you to come closer, why're you so far away. Scared?" Devin grins widely showing off her sharp canines. The scene like a predator and it's prey. Jai scoots a tad closer but not close enough for Devin so she pulls him the rest of the way by his thighs. His soft delectable thighs, the milky white skin contrasting greatly with Devins chocolate hand.

Dipping her head down into the crook of his neck. Devin bites down hard making Jai let out a breathy moan. That'll surely leave a mark.

"Panties off." Devin's muffled voice sounds from the crook of Jai's neck. Jai immediately complies, slipping them off. Leaving them wrapped around his ankles. "Good boy." Devin praises stopping her attack on his neck. Jai almost convulses at Devin's praise. Her words turning him on even more. Devin flips his body over on the couch, easily overpowering the smaller.

"Face down, ass up."

Jai lifts his bottom up, arching his back as he does. Devin hums in response to his position. His body making her hot. Devin ghosts her index finger over his rosebud. Teasing being her newfound strong suit. She leans over his small frame bringing her fingers to his soft lips. "Suck." She simply states, Jai takes her fingers in his mouth. Once he lets up Devin brings her hand back to his backside. Pushing her index finger into him. Then her middle finger, adding her own saliva to the mix. Jai gasps out softly upon entry. Devin pulls her fingers back before pushing them right back in.

A knock sounds at her front door causing her head to jerk up abruptly. Who in the world would be at her door. Pulling her fingers out she stands from the couch. Limping her way over to her door. Unlocking the two locks and opening it. Just a crack though, if anymore whoever it is would see Jai on the couch. Peering through the crack, "Dad?" She yelps wide eyed, definitely not expecting him, Devin slams the door on him without even thinking.

As fast as she can she limps her way back to Jai. Pulling him up from the couch and all his clothes too. "Go into my room, and be deadly quiet. Don't come out till I walk through that door. Okay? Okay." Devin frantically pushes him toward her bedroom door. Forcing a reassuring smile on her face.

Jai rushes into the room, closing the door behind him, utterly confused. Devin on the other hand goes back to the door already knowing she's in a handful of trouble for slamming it in her dad's face. She opens the door up slowly, with a small awkward smile. Trying to appease the fact that she did something so disrespectful.

"Hey dad, what're you doing here?" Devin asks clearing her throat. Leaning against her doorframe awkward as ever. Her father just stares at her incredulously, before inviting himself in. Devin follows after him closing her front door. She watches anxiously as her father looks around.

"Your mother's in the car, we just came to see about your shin." Her father's gruff voice explains. Devin just stares at the back of his shaven head. Knowing she didn't contact them about her shin, but also remembering it all happened on live television. Mr. Williams finally turns around to face his daughter.

"Aren't you gonna give your old man a hug?"

Ignore any grammar/spelling mistakes.

Any who i'm about to start updating everything.

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