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"So, how're you feeling?" Jai asks taking a seat next to Devin, sitting criss cross apple sauce.

This is the third time this week the boy has been at her apartment. The first time they engaged in intimate activities then played a ton of board games. The second time he brought the girl lunch before rushing off to his classes, and today he just showed up to check in with her.

"Bored, like overly bored. The crutches and this boot are just restricting me from doing everything." Devin utters flipping through the tv channels, not really interested in anything.

"We...could go out to eat." Jai suggests really eager to do anything with the girl. In this short amount of time he's taken a real liking to her and all he wants to do is get to know her more. A more than friends title would be nice too. To say the least he's attached and truthfully that can happen especially after being intimate with someone. After all when being intimate your body releases oxytocin hormones which can cause you to be attached.

Devin herself hasn't noticed how eager Jai is to be around her, some stuff she can be a complete airhead about. She herself doesn't feel any different, he's just a cool person to hang around, plus he brings her food.

"I guess, where're we gonna go?" Devin asks still flipping through the channels.

"Ooh! Wait i really want to go to Benihana." Devin interrupts tossing the remote on the couch.

"Benihana?" Jai repeats after her.

"Yeah i want sushi, it's really good if you haven't had it before." Devin gushes hopping into her bedroom to change clothes.

She easily slips into a white long sleeve shirt, her already wearing regular old light wash blue jeans. She grabs her white slip on van, it being a easy shoe to put on. She only has to wear one though because her other foot is in a fracture boot.

"Hey!" Devin calls sliding her shoe over the heel of her foot. Jai makes his way through the room standing in the doorway hands placed on the doorway.

"If you're worried about paying, don't worry, i got it buddy." Devin speaks looking up at Jai, finally getting her shoe on.

Jai's facial expression almost drops when he hears buddy but he doesn't let it phase him. Devin on the other hand just doesn't realize when exactly she's blowing something. You'd think the girl wouldn't be so oblivious to things when she herself is as smart as can be. In all honesty Devin can be described as a walking contradiction, she smart as ever but can be ditzy without realizing. She can be super aggressive but also the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She can be bland but interesting when she wants to be. She likes her alone time but can also turn up.

"Alrighty let's gooooo." Devin half shouts, dragging the 'go'. Hopping up to the best of her abilities. Jai starts toward the front door, Devin following closely behind.

They stop in the apartment building hallway, Devin eyes Jai mischievously, her lips curled into a smirk. "I'll race you." She starts getting into stance.

Jai stares at her bewildered why in the hell is she trying to race with her condition.

"Uh no, no no and more importantly no. I don't think that's a good idea, like that's seriously such a bad idea." Jai whines rubbing his hands over his face.

"I'll put fifty on it, i win you don't have to give me anything. You win, i give you fifty." Devin urges that same smirk still on her face. Jai pouts while shaking his head no, he wouldn't want to be the reason her healing process is delayed.

"Awe c'mon, if you win, then i'll show you a good time." Devin hints nudging Jai a little.

"Devin what drugs are you on? I know you're seriously not trying to get me to race for sex." Jai facepalms walking toward the elevator. Devin's shoulders drops as she follows behind him, sad that they didn't race.

Jai presses the elevator button, standing stiff as a board. Wow he thinks, just wow. With a ding the silver doors slide open. Allowing the both of them to step onto the elevator.

Sorry about any errors or mistakes, i don't have time to revise.

This chapter was supposed to be much much longer but i no longer have time to write and update. School has just recently started back up and quite frankly i'm ready to graduate and go crawl into a hole somewhere.

I don't know the next time i'll update but i'll still be responding to comments and such.

Cie out ✌🏽

Cie out ✌🏽

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