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Play the song ;) Its just a random song with no correlation, in fact i just listened to it while writing.

"So you and Devin." Chloe gushes while wriggling her eyebrows.

Jai just sighs out, not sure what to even say. Dinner went well though.

"I'm like...ugh...i don't know how to explain it. I'm so attracted to her it's crazy. It's like she's a magnet or something. " Chloe nods along in understanding of Jai's explanation. She knows exactly how he feels, Cade and her didn't start officially dating till they both came to terms with their newfound feelings.

"I don't even know why i like her so much, i just met her." Jai shifts under his comforter on his twin sized bed. Snuggling more into his pillow.

"Did you guys like...y'know." Chloe inquires, getting comfortable herself on her own bed.

Jai's cheeks tint pink, the question surprising him a bit. "Sorta, kinda, maybe. Depends on what you qualify sex as."

"Interesting, well that's probably why you're so attracted to her, because you've had sex already. Or you could just like her. Either way bottom line is she's got you hooked and if you want it to lead somewhere, get to know her more. "

Jai takes in everything Chloe is saying to him.

"Yeah you're right, but like she can be so...dense. Okay take yesterday for an example. She called me 'buddy' it completely blew me, like i was so disappointed. Then she turned around and wanted to have sex again.

I'm not usually an affectionate person because as you obviously know i have a tendency to be super shy. But she makes me feel comfortable enough to just want to snuggle into her and stay snuggled together all day. But it's like she acknowledges my affection but not my open attraction...gah! I don't even know how to word it."

Chloe lets out a soft giggle upon seeing how cute Jai is even when he's frustrated.

"If you're not sure she likes you, well give her some reasons to. Find out what she likes and what holds her interests then capitalize on it. Make yourself irresistible." Chloe suggests half-heartedly. Knowing her advice may be the complete opposite of what Jai needs. However she enjoys their small convo's, so whatever she can contribute, she does.

"For some reason that seems so...sly to me. I kind of like it though, like if i want her, i have to take her. Not literally though or figuratively, objectifying women is a no go." Jai says giggling a bit at the end. Him finding his choice of words a tad funny.

"There you go! That's the type of attitude you need. Operation: make Devin like you is now ago."

The two of them both burst into a giggling fit. The male and female practically mirroring each others actions by laughing into their pillows.

"You have her number right?" Chloe asks, now having a small agenda. Jai gives a bashful nod in return.

"Text her, right now."

Jai quickly shakes his head no. "No, i can't!" He exclaims, scared for no particular reason. Chloe gives him a 'why' face.

"She could be doing something important. What if she's in a class or something?"

"All I hear is possibly valid excuses but still just send her a quick message, maybe she's not busy."

Jai folds, grabbing up his phone and opening up iMessages. He still hesitates, not knowing what to send.

Chloe notices his little dilemma, "just say hi, it's that simple."

"Fine, fine." Jai presses send on his message, watching as the delivered sign soon pops up. He just stares at his phone waiting for the delivered to turn to read.

After a couple minutes his phone dings, he eagerly looks at the message. Not needing to type in a password because he doesn't have one. 'Sup' is all it says yet Jai's heart beats impossibly faster.

"What do i say? What do i say?!" He freaks out, tossing his phone over to Chloe.

Chloe decides to text Devin back for the male. 'Whatcha doing?' Is a simple message yet Jai wouldn't have even thought to send that.

He gets a response within seconds. It's safe to say the girl's phone is probably within arms reach and she most likely isn't busy.

"She said she just got finished working out and she wants to know what you're up to." Chloe informs getting ready to respond for Jai. Jai on the other hand his mind flashes to a hot and sweaty Devin. The image would no doubt get him hot and sweaty if he doesn't stop sexualizing her.

"Tell her i-i'm-" What would he tell her exactly, Chloe and Jai had been plotting to get Devin to like him. That isn't exactly something he wants to share.

"I told her you're not doing anything." Chloe interrupts, having already messaged back. Taking the wheel for a obviously very terrified Jai.

"I also...asked if she wanted to watch a movie." Chloe whispers, awaiting Jai's reaction.

Eyes wide, skin red, "you did what? Chloe--" He whines stuffing his face into his pillow.

"You're freaking out for nothing, she said yes. She also said she can come and get you, but i don't think that's like any type of legal let alone safe."

Jai's head shoots up from his fluffy grey pillow. "Tell her i'll find a ride and Chloe! You have to find me something nice to wear."

"Already got you covered, i'm thinking a nice cropped shirt maybe and one of those nice pair of panti-" Chloe stops herself abruptly not meaning to let panties slip. She was never going to even bring up her discovery because what would be the point.

Jai's eyes go wide and his mouth falls slack. "H-how di-did you?" He stutters his eyes watering. His choice of undergarments is a touchy subject. He doesn't want to be persecuted about his likes.

"Oh! Jai i'm sorry, i was just looking for something i lent you. Before you say anything, i have no problem with you or your likes.

In fact i was going to say if you have any lace wear those. I'm all for self awareness and knowing what you like. So if panties is it then so be it. So you're still my bestie whether you like it or not." Jai visibly releases a breath, for once not shedding tears over his choices. In the past lots of tears were shed over what he should enjoy and shouldn't.

"Okay! We good?" Chloe questions not wanting to completely ruin their talking session.

"Yes, we're good. Now please find me an outfit!"

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