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Devin's eyes slowly flutter open, from the bright sunlight shining in through her bedroom window. Placing a arm over her face she groans loudly, her head pounding, it feels as though someone is squishing her brain. She attempts to move her hand away from her eyes but the rays of the sun make her recoil. Instantly regretting moving her hand.

"The fuck did i drink last night." She wonders aloud to herself. Not only is Devin a light weight but she's also known to forget anything that happened during the drunk period. She could remember the before getting drunk but during was a whole other story.

Devin called herself going out to have fun and drink a drink, keyword being a. However the hosts of the party had convinced her to chug a keg. Now she was really wondering why in the world she agreed to it, knowing the hangover would be a bitch.

She's undeniably thirsty, her head hurts like hell and her mouth tastes evil.

A brush of hair against her bare stomach makes the girl abruptly look down. All too much movement for her pounding head. With a confused expression she slowly moves who's ever it is, golden fringe back from their face.

It's the guy that was watching her practice, along with Cade's girlfriend. This is precisely why the girl doesn't drink if anything had happened it'd take her a couple days to piece everything together. Unless she was given a direct explanation.

Grabbing her cellular off her bedside table, calling up her friend Xavier. He makes a good hangover relief concoction.

Said male picks up on the third ring.

"Hey!" He shouts into the phone unknowing of Devin's state.

"Shh, shh, shh." She shushes him holding her head a little, "are you downstairs?" Devin asks, Xavier lives a floor below her.

"Yeah why?" Xavier half yells not exactly meaning to.

"Can you come up here and make that hangover bullshit, it would be very much appreciated. You know where the spare key is."

With that she hung up the phone before he could even protest. Now she's thinking up the nicest way possible to tell Jai to get out.

The girl slowly moved the covers back, unsure of what was in store for her. Low and behold, Jai's naked, displaying every single last hickey she left on his skin. Unknowing to Devin but the smaller had orgasmed three times last night, something he would never forget. It would've been more if Devin hadn't passed out from all the alcohol in her system.

The smaller is balled up against her, his hands latched around her waist. Devin didn't wake up often to strangers in her bed-essentially they are strangers. The two had never held a real conversation. Even though Devin never really woke up to strangers she isn't in the least surprised. Drunk Devin and sober Devin were completely different people, and that's an understatement. Drunk Devin knows how to turn up, but a different side of her also comes out to play, one that would never come out if she was sober. Normal Devin could be a little aggressive at times but most of the time it's needed, she's a competitive runner. Drunk Devin on the other hand was wild, and down to do anything, but trust and believe if someone had managed to get her horny. Her little aggressive demeanor on a daily would magnify. The dominance would for lack of better words seep through her. Nobody would ever expect it from her unless they've been around her when's she drunk.

Shaking Jai lightly, he groans a little. Tightening his hold on Devin. She decides on prying his arms off, for being so small he sure had some strength in him. Finally unlatching him, Devin stumbles out of bed. In only a sports bra and underwear. Grabbing a pencil and sticky note up from her desk: hey, had to run. I'm sure you can let yourself out.

Placing the note on her bedside table, she stumbles over to her dresser grabbing a pair a black sweatpants. Walking back over to her bed, she slides on her Nike slides that are always placed under the bed. Looking Jai over once more she grabs her phone and tip toes out of her room and to the front door.

As soon as she opened the door she was faced with a out of breath Xavier, his hand ready to knock and his other holding an assortment of ingredients.

Devin gestures with her head back into her apartment, "let's go to your place." She whispers softly. Xavier already knows what's up, he figured they'd end up going to his place anyways, once he was faced with Devin asking him to make the hangover drink.

Xavier gives her a nod, walking back toward the elevator. For he had previously ran up the steps, for some odd unknown reason. Devin rushes after him the best she can.

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