Twenty One

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     Taylor and Devin sat, acquainting themselves. Holding a small conversation, before deciding to work on the assignment due for their shared race and ethnicity class.

Devin was entranced in her laptop screen when Taylor cleared his throat, "So I've found an article that you could use. It just breaks down social constructs and such, Its rather informative so I'd recommend using it." Devin hummed her response, glancing to Taylor. Who sat comfortably criss cross applesauce on her floor, his own laptop placed on the coffee table.

"Thank you for this, I really appreciate it",

Taylor gave a small head nod. He didn't mind helping her. The tasks required for finding information were rather easy. He also rather appreciated her obvious gratitude. Taylor found that even in college, there were THOSE people. The people who insisted on your help, but really you were doing most of the work. It was clear with Devin, she was not one of those people. So Taylor could really appreciate her. She was refreshing.

"Oh um where are my manners, would you like something to drink?" Devin abruptly questioned, which caught Taylor off guard. Taylor was starting to wonder why he never noticed Devin earlier.

"Well, what do you have?"

Devin stood from her comfortable space on the couch, "follow me."

Taylor stood too, his bones cracking slightly. Devin led Taylor over to her refrigerator. Which was always either filled or half empty. This time it happened to be half filled yet, it still screamed healthy to the brim; a reflection of the athlete herself.

"Well I have green juice, water, and this shake I made earlier. Your pick, I guess. It's not much, I know. But I am only one person." Devin stated, shuffling over to allow Taylor access.

"I'll take a water, I have no idea what green juice tastes like. And I'm not really interested in knowing." Taylor joked, grabbing himself a singular bottle of water. It was cold to the touch, it wasn't an uncomfortable cold though. It was more refreshing than anything.

Devin closed the fridge behind Taylor. The two walking slowly back to the living room space. Taylor took the time to admire the space. It wasn't overly decorated as you would think a girl's house would be. There weren't too many colors either. It was simplistic in every sense. A bit dull, since there was more black than anything. For some reason that screamed Devin to Taylor. He understood he didn't know her well at all, yet it somehow made sense.

"Not much of a color person are you?" Taylor commented as he adjusted himself back in his seat. Warmth lingering from his previous presence.

"Nah, I'm a grayscale kind of gal. Colors can be enticing though. I just happen to prefer black."

"The more you know, huh? So if you're more of a grayscale person. Then you wouldn't happen to have a favorite color would you?" Devin raised a brow at Taylor.

"Well the color orange speaks volumes to me, however I don't own much of it. If I wasn't so in tune with black, I'd be a monochromatic orange kind of person."

Taylor hummed at Devin, she was showing more and more of herself. It was nice to see that she could prove his thoughts wrong with a simple sentence. Taylor wanted to scold himself for even believing such an airhead stereotype. He allowed himself to succumb to societal thoughts. Which he made note of not to do often.

"Taylor if you want to break we can, honestly I'm just tired of looking at words on a screen. It's making my injury throb."

Taylor felt himself giggle, which he didn't do often. He just wasn't the 'smiley' and laughing type. He was more quiet and reserved even.

"What, um happened by the way? How'd you hurt yourself? If that isn't a sensitive topic." Taylor blurted only realizing how bad that might've sounded afterwards.

"Uh no you're fine...I have a stress fracture. I knew I was hurt before but I made the executive decision to keep running. Now i'm stuck in a boot for at least four more weeks and I likely have to do physical therapy afterwards. I won't be running anytime which sucks ass, but its my consequence to pay."

Taylor's mouth forms a small 'o'. Well at least she didn't break anything he thought. For some odd reason he felt a pang in his chest, at her slightly tense body. Clearly it was a sensitive topic but she brushed it off to be nothing more.

"Well a plus is the professor's are lenient with me. Since you know, Woe is me." Devin turned out to be quite the comedic person, once you got to know her. Sure it was more dry humor than anything, but she had her jokes.

"Ah I wish, school might be the death of me. They sure do not go easy on the work...well I guess that's expected of university."

Devin hummed in agreement. Uni was indeed lots of work. From the classes all the way down to sports. If you couldn't manage well, you would have to prepare to be eaten. It could be a hard life in college.

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