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The boy's friend had dragged him to her boyfriend's track practice, as early as it is, she still wanted to come watch. Jai had been dragged along simply because the girl didn't want to sit alone, knowing that no one else would be out this early aside from the track runners.

Jai himself didn't decline his friend-Chloe's offer because the girl had been overly nice to him, and since he was a freshman he appreciated the kindness, and guidance.

The two shared a dorm room, being that the dorm building they both got placed into is co-ed. It was unusual that the two got placed together being that even though the dorm was co-ed, males and females still didn't share rooms. Sure you could be a girl and your neighbor could be a guy, but the girls and boys weren't placed in rooms together.

Turns out, Chloe and Jai, took the last two spots in the building and they had mistakingly placed the two together. It had been almost a month and no one took to switching the two so they got comfortable and acquainted with each other.

Jai was eternally grateful that Chloe wasn't some stuck up and judgemental character. She's open minded, kind, and very wholesome. The two clicked instantly.

The two had been watching the team talk in their huddle for a whole of five minutes, while a girl, ran the length of the track over and over again. The girl had ran around at least six times already. It became more and more evident that she was beating her previous run times. The girl was fast, really fast, and she didn't even seem to be struggling.

"Chloe do you know who that is?" Jai questions, curious as to why she was the only one running while everyone else was huddled. He couldn't deny that the girl was fast, he thought she'd make for a good photo, being that his major is photography.

"Jai you're kidding right?" Chloe questions back in disbelief, no way he didn't know who this girl is. She is always the talk all over campus, she had even been on television before. To say that she was very well known was an understatement. Some might even argue this girl is eligible for the olympics.

The two just share a look before Chloe sighs, shaking her head. "Devin Williams, track star, junior, eligible for the olympics-i don't even know why she's still running college track." Chloe explains, the both of them watching as Devin zooms around the track once more.

Jai's mouth forms an 'o' has he registers everything Chloe just said. He wonders how exactly he didn't know who she was.

"Wow..." they both mumble in unison as Devin runs impossibly faster. Chloe in the moment had forgot all about watching her boyfriend run, the both of them are mesmerized by Devin. Her speed, her form, the way she makes it look effortlessly easy, just captivated the two.

Devin finally comes to a halt in front of the huddle, bending down a little as she catches her breath, which surprisingly good for having just run 10, 400 meter laps. She stands flexing her muscles as she runs through some quick stretches.

Jai clenches his legs together abruptly at the sight of her chocolate skin glistening as small beads of sweat drip down her, this is a sight that Jai was sure would bring him to his knees.

The boy had always knew he was different from everyone else around him, he was much more sensitive and could definitely appreciate a strong woman. He often tried to keep that part of himself well hidden, he didn't want to be deemed weirder than he already was.

If the chance had struck, he'd surely let the girl dominate him to no end.

"You okay?" Chloe asks, now staring at how Jai's legs were pushed tightly together.

"Y-yeah, just a little chilly." Jai struggles out on a shaky breath as he lets his legs fall open.

Chloe jokingly waves her hands around in the air as if she's in search for the chilliness. Even though it was so early it was certainly not cold out.

"Oh look they're lining up." Jai rushes out pointing to where the runners were in fact lining up. More so trying to advert the conversation but also genuinely interested in what they were about to do.

The mixture of males and females all dip down into positions in their own lanes. All of them in the start position prepared to take off.

Before the two can even blink, they take off. A boy wearing lime green shorts takes the lead. Farther ahead than everyone, even Devin. Who remains in the middle running at a rather steady pace.

The next thing you know she's sped up leaving even the guy in lime green shorts far behind, and by the look on his face he's really trying to catch up with her. Devin is just too fast.

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