Brite Prologue

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Brite Bomber was 18 years old and lived in Pleasant Park with her older brother Gunner. The both of them were always looking on the bright side, and everyone in Pleasant Park knew that. They always wore bright colors with happy drawings on them, which were normally a bit tattered. But now, Brite Bomber would be leaving Pleasant to go on a road trip with her friends Rex and Cuddles, who were boyfriend and girlfriend with each other. Although Brite had yet to find that special someone, she always had a positive outlook on things, so she didn't really mind being a sort of third wheel to Rex and Cuddles. Plus, she saw the trip as an opportunity to make new friends. She was also excited to check out the new Lazy Links Country Club, and maybe, just maybe, find that special someone along the way. "Gunner, I'm leaving now! If anyone is looking for me, let them know I won't be back for a while! Also, don't forget to feed Bonesy while I'm out!" Brite yelled to Gunner, who was in the other room. Gunner came out of the room to say his goodbyes. "Goodbye, Brite! See you in a few weeks, sis!" The two hugged and Brite left for Cuddle's house. Cuddles was sitting on the front porch, with her pink bear suit on (as always). Brite walked up the porch and said, "Hey, Cuddles! Looking as cute as always!"
"Thanks!" Said Cuddles.
"Where's Rex?"
"Waiting for him. He said he was getting ice cream at the ice cream truck."
"Oh dear, not again..."
Rex had an ice cream obsession. He would normally get 5 ice creams at a time.
"Don't worry, I think he learned his lesson from last ti-"
"HEY GUYS!!!" Rex came out of nowhere and yelled, his mouth full of
"Geez, you totally scared us," Brite replied.
"So, we going or not?"
"On it," said Cuddles, running into her house.
After mere seconds, her garage door opened and Cuddles was sitting in the front seat of her ATK. "Hop in." Rex hopped in the front seat, while Brite got in the back. But a few seconds after they pulled out of the driveway, a lightning bolt came out of the rift in the sky (which appeared 12 days before after some sort of rocket launch) and struck the top of a nearby hill. "What is THAT!?!?" Rex was startled. The light faded away, revealing something that wasn't there before. "I wanna check it out," said Cuddles. "Me too!" Rex replied. "Well, I guess we'll be going," said Brite. So the three went up to the hill, and what they found would change Brite's life forever. When they reached the top, they found what appeared to be the old Durr Burger mascot that disappeared a few weeks back, except it had some sort of graffiti on it's tongue. And standing next to it was a boy Brite's age who looked super confused. He wore a white shirt and a black mouth mask, and had a blonde mohawk that stuck straight up. Who was he? Where did he come from? What was going on?

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