Chapter 22: The Fog Clears

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Lots of nerdy stuff in this chapter. You've been warned.


"She will live," said Field Surgeon, "she means a lot to you, doesn't she?" Drift had carried Brite from the corrupted area to the hospital at Tilted. He replied, "No, she means... so much more than just 'a lot.'" "I know that feeling. The feeling that there's always that someone to be there for you, and that you have to protect them no matter what. That feeling makes it hard to see them hurt, or if they just don't feel the same way about you. Something like that takes a bit more than a Chug Jug to heal." "Yeah, I know... still, I'm very capable of protecting her." Drift put out his hand and summoned the Rift Edge. "You can control it?" Said Field Surgeon. "Yeah, a bit." "More than a bit. Some footage from a nearby security camera caught a record of your fight." Field Surgeon went to her desk, turned on her computer, and pulled up the footage. "How did you get that footage?" Drift asked. "I have my ways..." said Field Surgeon. With the tone of voice she said it in, Drift wondered if anywhere on the island was private. She skipped over to when Dark Bomber appeared. "Your girlfriend has a doppelgänger." "Yeah, as if I hadn't found out already." Field Surgeon showed Drift the part where he appeared in front of Dark to block her final blow to Brite. He saw that he had been swallowed up by a rift and put in there—only he did it on command. "Teleportation," Drift said, "I... I did that?" "You can do a lot of things, Drift. I scanned you myself after you came her for the first time. You can teleport, summon your outfit and Rift Edge at any time, hit enemies with lightning blasts, and jump really far, all by doing some weird space-time continuum stuff. You also have lightning-fast reflexes too, probably because you can feel the distortions of space-time around you caused by other objects." Drift was really intrigued by this. "Wait, what causes me to be able to do the lightning and long-jumping? I get the rifts, but not the lightning and long-jumping." "The lightning is caused by the release of energy from a severe space-time distortion. Oh, and have you ever heard the theory of how spaceships could travel faster than light by warping space-time around them?" "Yeah?" "That's basically the concept behind your long-jump." "Well, I sure am interested."

A few days later, Brite had recovered. Drift got a little worried however. Kevin was moving his island around doing god knows what, and Dark Bomber was still out there. But then, Drift got a call from the hospital a few days after Brite's recovery, saying someone would like to meet him.

Into the Unknown: A Fortnite Fanfiction [Drift x Brite]Where stories live. Discover now