walking on hot coals

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you tried so many times to help,
i wouldn't budge.
when will you understand theres no way to fix me?
i wouldn't budge.
thats why your with her, isn't it?
envy. slight budge.
were you frustrated with my 'lying?'
envy. jealousy. one step.
i thought what we had was special,
envy. jelousy. rage. screaming. burning.
do you remember us? do you miss me still? oh, i see, someone to fill the hole in your heart where i once stayed eh?
envy. jealousy. rage. screaming. burning.
the devils sacred beach,
lit the grass,
one wrong step now im,
drowning drowning drowning
in the devils guilty need.
now i just lay here,
a puddle of black ashes created by the spontaneous combustion of firey jealousy and denial stirred up inside of me.
and now as my ashes are lifted from the ground by a cool,
eastward breeze,
i hope that same air ruffles your hair so when the wind whistles past your ear,
ill leave you with thoes three haunting words used as a symbol of my heart being ripped out of my chest

i'm not sure what youre doing right now but i'm losing my fucking mind over youWhere stories live. Discover now