Chapter 2

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Queen Amidala's ship has justed crashed on the dessert planet of Tatioone. Qui gon jin, Jar Jar Binks and one of the queens hand maidens, Padme have set out to find a way to replace their damaged hyper-drive.... 

"I know R2, but we can't return to Naboo until we have more of an army to fight the Trade Federation." R2 beeped sadly. The droid knew Padme was right. 

"Hold that thought." Qui gon said. " I might have just found a place where we can replace our hyper-drive." Qui gon pointed at a junk dealer ship. " Oh Jar Jar, when we get in there-"



 They all entered the shop. Padme had noticed a small boy sitting on the edge of the counter, cleaning something.

"Ah, yes what can I do for you?" Padme saw a blue winged alien fly towards them.

"We need to replace the hyper-drive on our ship." Qui gon said.

"Boy, watch the store." The winged alien pointed to the boy on the counter. "Follow me." Qui gon followed the alien out in to the junk yard, while Padme and Jar Jar stayed in the shop.

"Do you always try to read a strangers mind?" Padme saw it was the small boy on the counter who was talking to her. 

"What are you talking about?"

"You were just trying to read my mind."

"No, I wasn't."

"Yes you were, unless it's the goof over there playing with the droids." the boy pointed to Jar Jar, who was messing with the droids.

"How did you figure it out?'' Padme asked 

"Well for one you were just staring at me,  2 heard you talking outside and heard your voice inside my head." The boy looked at Padme.

"Of course. Well I'm not very good at reading minds, I only found out I could do it a few months ago.  What's your name anyway?"

"Anakin, my name is Anakin Sykwalker."

"Nice to meet you Anakin."

Padme shook Anakins hand.

"Well, if you just read my mind, you probably found out that I'm a-"

"slave." Padme cut him off, seeing sadness in the young boys eyes. Just then Qui gon walked back into the shop, looking very annoyed.

"We'er leaving." he said. Padme started to walk out of the shop, she turned around to face Anakin.

"I'm glad to have you Anakin,"

"I'm glad that I met you too." Anakin called out as Padme, Qui gon, Jar Jar and R2-D2 left the shop.  


Your all probably wondering why Padme can read minds, Don't worry It will all make sense later in the book. Also I'm making Padme and Anakin only have a 3 year different's instead of a 5 Year different's. So padme is 12 while Anakin is 9.  

Search for Castea (A Star Wars story) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now