Chapter 17

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Obi wan kenobi has stopped his search for Padme Amidala, under master Yoda's orders. Padme and Anakin have confessed their love for each other and Padme has Made a decision that will change her life forever.......

Padme woke up, warped in Anakin's strong arms. She remember waht happened last night, he loved her and she loved him. Padme couldn't lose him again. She made a decision that would change her life forever.

Anakin woke to see Padme's head on his shoulder.

"Good morning." Padme said.

"Good morning to you to, did I wake you?"

"No I woke up 10 minutes ago." Padme smiled as Anakin placed a soft kiss on her forhead. She rested her head on Anakin's warm chest.

"I wish you didn't have to go back t Coruscant." Anakin said stroking Padme's hair.

"What if I didn't go back?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I get to be myself here, I don't have to hide who I am or what I can do, and I want to stay with you." Padme looked at Anakin.


"Really. I can't lose you again."

"Neither can I." They kissed.

"I love you angel."

"I love you too Ani. Should we go ask the queen if I can stay?"

"Yes, but let's stay here for a while."

Castea palace, 2 hours later

"Your majesty's. I would like to ask If I'm aloud to stay on Castea?" Padme asked, standing before queen Amelia and princess Genevieve.

"Padme, of course your aloud to stay." Said queen Amelia.

"Thank you your majesty. But I do have one question."

"What would that be?"

"What do we do about the Jedi on Coruscant?They will be looking for me." Padme's face was laced with concern. Princess Genevieve spoke up.

"Padme, they stopped the search for you this morning after they found nothing about where you went."

"I just don't want them to find me."

"Don't worry Padme, they wouldn't ."

"Thank you. Goodbye you majesty's."

"Goodbye Padme." Padme bowed and walked out of the throne room, ready to start her new life with the man she loved.

Search for Castea (A Star Wars story) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now