Chapter 7.5

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"Hey Grian! Are you oka- THE HELL?!"

That's all they heard...


"Mumbo? Grian? What even-? Who-? How-? Uhh..."

Yep, it was definitely IGevin. He seems to be freaking out as well.

"Mumbo, you awake?" Asked Grian telepathically.

"Yup" Mumbo answered. "This is something I have never experienced in my entire life"

"What? Gevins reaction on us?"


"Does he know we're awake?"

Does he have to know? I kinda wanna see how this scenario ends"

Grian was about to answer, but they heard Gevins footsteps stomp, as he started walking around in circles talking to himself.

"I hope I'm dreaming..." He said.


"What do I have to do to wake up?"

Grumbo smiled, "this is hilarious!" Mumbo telepathically said.

"I know right!"

"What is he even doing?"

"Who knows? I think he's pinching himself or something..."

"Well he's over reacting..."

"True but it's hilarious!"

"Uh huh.."

There was suddenly another scream of pain from Gevin.

"He does know that he's not dreaming right?" Mumbo asked telepathically again.

"Nah... Let's wait until he suddenly decides to comot suicide"

But that moment came sooner than expected.

"Alright... Armour off... Tons of fireworks... I am ready"

Grumbos eyes widened as they immediately jumped up scaring Gevin half to death before he was about to leave the room. (XD I think I overdid Gevins reaction... This was not in the planning... In fact, I have NO IDEA why I didn't rewrite this XD)

"Calm down Gevin, its just us!" Grumbo said, kneeling down next to the poor person, who tripped on the stone stairs leading up.

He was breathing heavily, he kept staring at the fusion without breaking eye contact.

They looked down at Gevins left foot, it seemed concerning, as he was covering it with both of his hands, he must've tripped pretty badly.

"You okay?" They asked him, hoping for an answer as their voices stood worried for him as well. The reply didn't come. (I don't think this is how IGevin would react, but I don't know him that well anyways! XD)

Grumbo waved a hand at his face, still,no answer.

At this point it was obvious that the Hermit completely zoned out, and might no come back cause of how freaked out he was.

"Gevin it's us! Grian and Mumbo!"

No other reaction that Gevin, who's just... Freaking out still... His breathing still heavy.

"The reason why we look like this is cause Scar put a curse on this chest that we opened... And now, this happened..."

The fusion stared at him, suddenly having a burst of relief when Gevin finally blinked a few times and picked up his head to look at The Grumbo.

Grumbo smiled, "sorry if we scared you..." They looked down with a frown of guilt.

The once freaked out Hermit stood up, putting a lot of force on his right leg for some reason. "Do you have ANY idea what I was about to do?!"

"Yeah... We must've drove you insane..."

"You literally just did"

"You should blame Scar, it's mostly his fault"

"I deserve payback!"

"Well we actually don't know where Scar is at the moment..."

"Oh..." He stopped in a brief second, "well when you see him, tell him  that I'm coming for him, personally" (By the way, until the Scar in reality comes back from his sickness... Imma lay off the Scar thing, for now...)

The Fusion just shrugged, "whatever that means, sure"

Gevin let out a deep breath after calming himself, "by the way...?"

"Hmm?" Grumbo looked at him while he crossed his arms.

"What were you doing at the shopping district on such a time?" (Not shipping district! That was just a typo! But I do dream of it XD)

"Well we were gone to buy some blocks for m- Grians base, and we wanted to keep a low profile"

"Ya should've checked on your elytra first... Am I right?"

The Grumbo looked at the floor, covering himself in embarrassment.

IGevin thought for a moment, poor fusion. They probably don't realise that they have a lot to learn...

Then, an idea came to mind...

He turned to his chests and threw some diamond blocks right at Grumbos toes. "Thirty two diamond blocks" he said. (Did I mention, that I imagine IGevin as a diamond mad Peron?)

Grumbo dropped his mouth, and stared at what was being given, obviously he's been given more by the same guy, but, again?

"Heh, I know it seems a lot, but you're gonna need it..."

A few hours of awkward and not very awkward chatting, The Fusion finally walked outta the door...

First on their list; an extra elytra.

Then some enchanted books.

A lot of enchanted books.

No athoura note today! Yay!

Originally this was 3000 words long but I accidentally deleted that chapter...

Its fine tho...

Good Night...

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