Chapter 18

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"Alright, team!" Scar called to the army he had. "So we know that Evil X has Xisuma and Iskall captured in there, and possibly Doc and Ren."

The STAR Team members, Grumbo and Cub all nodded while getting there swords buckled onto their sides.

"And we know for a fact that they're somewhere inside the labyrinth under this building." The cowboy pointed down at the floor.

The group nodded.

"So we're gonna invade every corner down there until we find WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR!"

Tons of "YEAH!" were shouted, those who didn't have their sword ready yet, pointed theirs to the sky for extra excitement.

"WE. ARE. GOING. TO. FIND. EVIL. X!" He clapped at every word.

More "YEAH"s were heard and without further a do, they rushed it and went under ground.

Evil X was D O O M E D!

Speaking of the said person, he could hear the ground rumbling from above and mentally cursed himself.

He knew he was doomed, and went to his allies' room only to find them not there. Once again cursing. Doc and Ren betrayed them, he should've seen this coming.

Not knowing what to do, Evil X mentally cursed again and turned back to escape out, but once reaching the door, an enchanted diamond sword was held under his throat.

"Don't move." The hoarse voice of Cub threatened him. "You know what I'll do."

Evil X shook. "W-What do y-you-"

"Xiskall." Replied the scientist. "Where is Xiskall?"

"I-In th-the cellars..." The villain pointed to the direction to the cellars, which just so happened to be a long hallway straight to one door.

Knowing the chances of it being a trap, Cub twisted Evil X's arm and started forcing him to move with him. Slowly making it to the door.

Eventually the two got there, Cub twisted the door nob and threw Evil X in there, then walked in himself.

The room had blood in a few spots, and there certainly were a few cells lined up against the wall, all were small, but only one had blood in it. The last one.

They made their way towards it, only seeing nothing in there.

The villain, still held hostage in Cub's arms, gasped. "He escaped!?"

Cub used this moment to his advantage and tossed his sword in the air, having it flip to that he was holding the handle closer to Evil X's face, then used it to knock him out.

He threw the said person into the cell, locked it, and ran off to tell Scar.

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