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We only had one week left of the trip and I am currently in bed with tae, my back on his chest, his arms around me. I'm wearing some pyjama shorts and I crop top. I opened my eyes and waited for them to adjust to the light, k groaned and got my phone from the nightstand. I looked at the time on my phone. Shit, it's 2 in the afternoon. I quickly looked over my shoulder. He is still sleeping.

"Tae.... we need to get up, it's two in the evening"



I slightly poured saying that, Jesus, how will I wake him up, I tried shouting in his ear and pushing him, nothing, so I went with what I thought I never would have to use. I uncomfortably got ontop of him, and poked his cheek, still fucking nothing. So after a while of mentally debating with myself I finally moved my face closer to his, and kisses him, I pulled away only to find him sneak his arms around me and pull me back. He opened his eyes with a smirk.

"Oh So now you wake up"

"I was waiting to see what you would do"

He let out a slight chuckle. He pulled my face closer to his.

"You know, I didn't actually think that you would do that, but I mean, I kinda like this position"

I could feel my face heat up.

"We n-need to get up"

"Yeah I know I heard"

Then he sat up with me still on him, he let me off and we quickly got ready, he was taking me out to a bar tonight. (Now actually) Here's what I wore.

 (Now actually) Here's what I wore

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