Chapter 9 ~ Time

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         In the morning, Russia was woken up by Canada who suggested him to go home. Though he disagreed, America jumped into the conversation, reassuring Russia he'd be fine. So, he left. He didn't like the idea of leaving America at the hospital, but he was tired and that chair was less of a bed then the ground was. As he exited the building, he realized he couldn't just walk all the way home. A bit annoyed at himself for not thinking ahead, he walked to the nearest bus stop and waited. 

          As he waited, he pulled out his phone and decided to finish responding to everyone who'd spammed his phone the night before. While he was typing to Japan, a thought struck him. 'How'd they find out so quickly?' Curious and concerned, he asked Japan.

Russia - Hey, how did you find out anyways?

Japan - South Korea told me. He said he'd gotten an anonymous text about it. 

          Russia raised a brow, then went to ask South Korea. 

Russia - Hey.

South Korea - Morning. Is America doin' alright?

Russia - Yeah, he's doing good. I wanted to ask, can you send me a screenshot of the anonymous message you got about America?

South Korea - Uhh sure. How do you know about that?

Russia - I asked Japan and she told me about it. 

South Korea - Oh. You Sherlock Holmes now?

Russia - Har har

          Russia waited until South Korea sent the screenshot. The message from the mysterious person said, 'America is gravely ill and has gone to the hospital'. Russia stared at it for a second before looking up to see the bus pulling up. Getting in, he sat in the seat farthest from anyone on board and continued with his 'investigation'. Looking at the number, he realized it looked familiar. Though he couldn't tell where he'd seen it, he knew he had. 

          Russia looked out the window and huffed, his breathe fogging up the glass. Before he knew it, he was starting to doze off. Thankfully, the bus stopped before he could fully fall  asleep. He got out and started to walk home, steam puffing from his mouth with each breathe. He was glad he hadn't forgotten his coat like America had. The thought made him smile. 

          When he finally reached his house, he was too exhausted to do anything other then sleep. Ukraine greeted him on his way to his room and informed him that Kazakhstan took Belarus to a nearby park. When Russia reached his room, he went straight to bed without changing or anything. He just wrapped himself up like a burrito and almost instantly fell asleep.

          America sighed as he watched Russia leave. He didn't really want him to go but Russia looked tired and the chairs didn't exactly count as a bed. As he laid back, Canada turned to look at him. "I've noticed you two got somethin' going on" He said with a smile. 'Oh god- Russia, come back.' America thought, glancing at the doorway. "Uhm- what do you mean?" He asked turning his gaze back to Canada. 

          "You know what I mean, don't play dumb." He sighed, looking bored from the conversation already. "And when did you figure all this out?" America asked with a huff. "Well, I knew something was up since Eighth grade, but it became very obvious after he took you to his house." Canada responded, before getting an idea worth a 'grinch' smile. "So tell me, did you guys do anything... 'playful' while you were there?" He added with a smirk.

          America felt himself blush as he swatted at his brother. "Nooooo!" Canada just laughed before sitting back in his chair and getting comfortable. "So, just out of curiosity, Is there a reason you've been staying at Russia's house and only coming home for the necessities?" He asked. America sighed before explaining everything with what happened the day they found out about USSR's death. Well, everything but their kiss behind the school right before all of it happened.

          Canada's joking expression faded quickly as he listened. He couldn't imagine what'd it'd be like to lose the UK and he hoped he never would have to experience that. When America finished, Canada asked, "So, how did he die?" America looked up for a second, looking thoughtful. "I don't know. And I don't think Russia knows either-" He was cut off with a sudden, painful coughing fit. Canada immediately stood and leaned over to rub his younger brother's back as a nurse made her way in.

          By the time Russia woke up, the sun was setting. He sat up in his bed and yawned. Blinking sleep away, he put his shoes back on and decided he wanted to visit America before he officially went to bed for the night. Grabbing his wallet and phone, he made his way down the stairs. To his surprise, the house was dead silent and empty. He didn't know whether he should be worried or thankful, but he left before his brain could decide. 

          He took a bus to the hospital and went to the gift shop, looking for anything that America would like. Right when he was about to give up, he spotted something shimmer behind a box of chocolates. Reaching behind it, he pulled out a necklace with a small heart chime. Russia smiled as he bought it. Looking at it again, it didn't look like some cheap fake-metal necklace like the one's you'd buy at Walmart or something. In fact, it looked almost as if it came from a legitimate jewelry store. 

          He shrugged as he made his way to the room.  Since he didn't really pay attention when he left, Russia got kind of lost on the way, finally finding the room after asking a desk nurse. Before he turned the nob, he looked at the necklace clutched in his grip. He nodded to himself before walking in. Russia stopped dead in the doorway, the sight in front of him too shocking.

          As he stood there, America pulled away from Japan's lips and looked at Russia in dismay. "Russ, wait-" He was too late, for Russia had already left.






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