Chapter 7 ~ Pneumonia

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         A month had passed since the death of USSR. America stayed at Russia's house to both comfort and keep an eye on him. Slowly yet surely, he was starting to act like himself. It was now winter break, snow falling outside and covering the surface of the ground with thick layers of puffy white snow. 

         America was walking from his house, back to Russia's. He'd been going back and forth, sneaking into his own house to eat, shower, and grab clean clothes. UK wasn't happy with him but he didn't care. Russia was more important then whether he was in trouble with his father or not. On the way back, he saw Germany, Poland, Estonia and Finland having a snow-ball fight outside Germany's house. When they looked over at America, he just smiled and waved, them waving back before continuing to throw snow at each other.

         Meanwhile, Russia was just waking up to find America's spot on the bed empty and cold. He frowned slightly then stood up from his bed to get dressed. Whenever he thought about how America stayed by his side, even after he'd yelled at him to leave, it made him smile. Just thinking about him in general made him blush. He put on his signature blue and white striped t-shirt, grabbed a thick coat and headed downstairs to eat and say good morning to his siblings. 

        As America kept walking, he wasn't even a quarter of the way there when he realized he was cold and had left his jacket at his house. Looking back, he wondered if he should go back. After a minute of thinking he decided he was already too far ahead to turn back now, so he kept walking, rubbing his arms in an attempt to warm them. 

~Time Skip EuE~

          Russia was about to call America to see where he was at when a knock sounded at the door. He got up off the couch and walked to the door and opened it to see a half frozen America standing outside, the sky growing dark as a blizzard came. "Jesus Meri, where's your coat?" Russia said as he gently tugged him inside. America shivered, his teeth chattering loudly. "I-I accidentally l-left it at m-my house." 

        Russia frowned, scooping America up bridal style and carrying him up the stairs. America squeaked in surprise as he was swept off his feet(literally), and carried into Russia's room. The tall country nudged the door open with his leg and put America on the bed before flopping down next to him. "You didn't think to go back for it?" Russia asked, raising a brow. 

          America just shook his head, scooting closer to Russia and snuggling up to him. Russia smiled as he pulled the blanket over them. When America started to cough, Russia started to get worried. His cough had been growing worse and worse over the month. He'd thought it'd go away with some cough serum, soup and such, but it hadn't and it still grew worse.

           Holding him tight, Russia pulled out his phone and looked up what it could possibly be. He didn't like the answers he was seeing so he put the phone away. Looking at America, he noticed he was wheezing slightly, even in his sleep. It was confusing since he didn't have a fever. He just seemed paler and had been acting down lately. Maybe it was a weird cold? Couldn't be serious, could it? Russia hoped it wasn't as he kissed America's forehead. As the minutes, Russia felt himself become drowsy. So, he let the soothing darkness of sleep consume him.

~Time Skip Again >3>~

(Ya'll are gonna hate me :'D)

          America woke to a stabbing pain in his chest. Abruptly sitting up, he gasped, finding it hard to breathe. Russia woke from the movement, sitting up and putting a hand on his back. "What is it? What's wrong?" He asked, looking at him. America shook his head, not having enough air to speak. He waited till the pain died down before he felt a cough coming on. Seeing the concerned look on Russia's face made him hold it back. "You alright?" Russia asked again, rubbing his back. Before he could respond, the coughing forced itself out. Russia felt his heart almost stop as he saw speckles of blood spatter onto the sheets as America coughed violently.

          "дерьмо дерьмо дерьмо дерьмо дерьмо-" Russia muttered, snatching up his phone and calling an ambulance. America coughed so hard to the point where he couldn't breathe, his head feeling light. Just as he felt himself drift off, the coughing released it's hold on him. Russia watched in shock as America fell onto his side, the coughing stopped. He reached over and shook his shoulder, panic rising in his throat. "Meri? Meri?! Wake up goddammit!" He yelled. 

            Hearing the commotion upstairs, Ukraine peeked into Russia's room to see him holding America's pale body. "What the hell is going on?!" She said as she came over. Russia looked at her with tears streaming down his cheeks. "I-I don't know."

          "Is he dead?!"

       "I don't-" He broke off, burying his face into America's neck as emotions took over.



Please don't kill me ;-;

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