Chapter 13 ~ Panic

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          Russia raced all around the park, desperately searching for America. After about two hours of searching, he pulled out his phone and called the mystery number. 

??? - Yes~?

Russia - Where the fuck is America.

??? - Somewhere.

Russia - Tell me goddammit!

??? - Why? 

          Russia slowly started to recognize their voice. 

Russia - North Korea?

North Korea - Well that sure took you long. 

Russia - Why the hell are you doing this?

North Korea - I made a deal with someone. Simple. 

Russia - Who? Japan?

North Korea - Bingo.

Russia - Why the hell would you make a deal with that psychopath?

North Korea - Because her end of the bargain was worth it. 

Russia - What did she say she'd give you exactly? Where's America?

          Before he could ask any more questions, the phone hung up. Russia growled in frustration, almost throwing his phone. As he started making his way to South Korea's house, he called Canada. 

Canada - "Yeeeah?"

Russia - "America's been kidnapped."

Canada - "Wait what. He's in his room though."

Russia - "Go ahead and look if you don't believe me. If you want to help, meet me at Japan's house." 

          He quickly hung up as he saw North and South Korea's drive-way. Walking up, he knocked on the door. He didn't think North Korea would be there, but he needed help if he was going to find America.


         America woke to the worst headache he'd ever had. Looking around, he didn't recognize a single thing. Trees towered over him in an ominous way and they seemed to go as far as he could see. He shivered, the snow's cold touch reaching through the fabric of his coat. He stood up and checked his pockets, looking for his phone. "Shit, I'm screwed..." He muttered, looking around again. These trees looked different than the ones in the park, so he guessed he'd probably been dragged to the forest just beyond their backyards. 

         When he squinted to see past the trees in front of him, he felt some form of dried liquid break apart. Reaching up, he gingerly felt his forehead. When he brought his hand back down, it had blood on it. He sighed, rubbing it onto his jeans. Why drag him into the forest? Who hated him that much?  Leaning against a tree, he tried to think things through. Before he'd been knocked unconscious, he'd seen his attacker's flag have red, white and blue. 'Well, Russia's off the list.' He thought simply, though a thought in the back of his head screamed otherwise. 

          America physically shook his head and started loudly humming his favorite song as he started walking in a random direction. "Welp, not standing there all night waiting for some serial killer." He huffed, shivering as he zig-zagged through the close growing trees. "God I'm so done with school..." America grumbled as he walked, pulling the scarf over his mouth.

~Meanwhile (Again)~

          Russia woke up South Korea then the two headed to Japan's house where they found an anxious looking Canada standing on the sidewalk. "Jesus, first your dad dies, America gets almost deathly ill and now this shit? Worst year ever." South Korea remarked, pulling out his phone to call his brother for the fifth time in a row. Without even saying hello to Canada,  Russia stormed up to the door and knocked so hard, Canada thought he might create a hole in it. The three boys waited for a tense couple of seconds before a sleepy looking Japan answered the door. "Russia what-" She started to say but was cut off as the tall country grabbed her shirt. 

          "Where the fuck is America?" He snapped. Japan stared at him in confusion and shock. "I-i don't understand?" She stammered. As South Korea and Canada exchanged a surprised glance, Russia put her down. "So, you didn't make a deal with North Korea to kidnap America?" He asked. Japan shook her head rapidly. Russia sighed turning back to South Korea and Canada. "What's going on?" Japan asked, grabbing her shoes and jacket, which were conveniently by the door, and stepped outside, closing the door behind her. 

          "North Korea kidnapped America." South Korea yawned, rubbing his eyes. Japan gasped. "Is America~senpai okay?!" Russia turned to face them when they all turned their gazes on him expectantly. "Judging by the scene, no. His phone was in about a million pieces and his glasses were smashed." He replied, pulling out his phone to try and find out what to do next. "Shit, maybe he sent us on a wild goose chase?" Canada suggested. Japan looked about close to tears, South Korea was falling asleep on his feet while Russia looked stressed out. 

          "Maybe. South Korea, do you know what college he goes to?" Russia looked up from his phone. South Korea snapped awake and shook his head. "Ah- no. But when we were kids, and still liked each other, we used to go to the woods and to our secret play house. Maybe he has him there?" Russia nodded slowly. "Can you lead us there?" He asked, turning on the flashlight to his phone. After South Korea nodded, everyone turned their flashlights on as well and set off.

~In the woods...~

          America walked in the seemingly endless forest, his legs growing numb from both the cold and exhaustion. "How long is this fucking place?!" He yelled, mostly out of fear. The thought of freezing to death while being lost scared him. Looking around, his anxiety started to grow. The tall pine trees seemed to stretch on for miles, along with the snow. He would've climbed one of the trees to try and see where any city lights were, but their branches were too high, and the trunks too thick. 

          Feeling defeated, he sat down and leaned against a tree, squeezing his legs into his jacket. He pulled his hoodie over his head and took his arms out of his sleeves. America sat there shivering, whether it was out of fear or coldness, or both, he couldn't tell. But there was one thing that wouldn't leave him alone. The thought that, Russia could possibly been the one to cause this. 




I'm so fucking tired but this is fun to write ;-;


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