Chapter 12 ~ Trouble

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          America woke slowly, blinking his eyes open. The dimly lit room looked unfamiliar to him until the memories of last night started flooding in. Sitting up, his face turned a dark red. 'Oh my god- We- Dad's gonna kill me.' He thought, starting to panic a little. Looking around, he saw Russia still asleep, his ushanka covering his face.  Their clothes where scattered across the floor along with his sunglasses which where close to the window.

            As quietly as possible, without waking Russia, he got dressed and started looking for any food. Without having any luck, he laid down on the bed and decided to wait till Russia got up. Pulling out his phone, he was surprised to see only one message from Canada saying; 'Dad found out you weren't at Russia's and he's pissed so... Yeah, uhm, be prepared.' America sighed loudly, letting his phone drop from his hand and onto the floor. 

           By the time Russia finally woke up, it was already 12:23 pm. He sat up, a headache pounding at his skull like a drum. America looked at him and smiled. "Well good morning sunshine." Russia smirked at him, reaching over and putting a pillow on his head. "Hey-!" He yelled. Russia laughed as he got up and got dressed. Fixing his hat, he looked over at America. "What time is it?" America flung the pillow onto the other side of the bed and checked his phone again. 

          "12:30" He replied. Russia frowned slightly. "So, what're we going to do? It's too late to go to school." America shrugged, dropping his phone on the floor again. "I'm already in trouble so i guess I should go home before it gets worse." He grumbled, looking at his glasses. Russia looked at him with a serious expression. "How are you in trouble?" America picked up his phone again and showed him the text he'd gotten from Canada. 

          "Hm. How do you think he found out?" Russia asked, sitting next to him. America shrugged again. "Maybe he asked Ukraine or something?" He suggested. Russia nodded thoughtfully. When he looked up, he noticed the fresh bandages on America's wrists. Which where also stained. Reaching over, he gently grabbed his wrists to get a better look at them. America, picking up on what he was doing, yanked his arms away, looking to the side with a frown. 

          Russia sighed, feeling even more guilty than he already did for not trying to talk things through and instead leaving. After a long silence, Russia pulled America into a hug. America managed to keep himself together for a few heartbeats before the emotions became too much to bear. 

~HaH tImE sKiP~

          After they cleaned up the room and payed, they went to their own houses. Russia came home to an empty house. Guessing everyone was at school, he went to his room and decided to text America to see how things went with his father. Meanwhile, America was hesitating on going inside. When he finally unlocked the door and stepped inside, the lights were off and everything was silent. He sighed in relief as he closed the door behind him. Making his way to his room, he checked everyone's room just in case. When he got settled, he texted Russia back, saying no body was home. 

          They texted each other back and forth for a while before America heard a car driving up the drive-way. Looking out the window, he saw UK getting out. Taking a deep breathe, he closed his door and stayed silent. He heard noises from downstairs as his father walked around. Suddenly, America's phone started ringing. Looking over, he saw it was UK calling. Before he could silence it, he heard his name being called from downstairs. Gathering his usual enthusiasm he replied with, "Yessssssss????" 

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