Chapter 10 ~ Blood and Tears

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 Slight aNgSt wArnInG

(It's not much tbh)


           "Russia!" America yelled. When he didn't reply, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked over to see Japan. "You're too good for him Senpai~" she said. Rage filled America as he raised his hand, slapping her across the face. "Get out now." His voice cracked with emotion and strain. Japan stared at him in shock before rushing out of the room. After she left, he buried his face into his pillow and cried. She'd come in and forced him to kiss her, speaking nonsense about her being his 'soulmate'. 

           Russia stormed away, feeling tears gather in his eyes. He rubbed his face and kept walking. He couldn't believe, after all this, America would do such a thing. But there was no denying what he saw. Confusion, anger, sorrow and betrayal were the only emotions he felt as he exited the hospital. He felt his phone start to vibrate in his pocket so he pulled it out to see America calling. He declined the call angrily and kept walking. 

           When he reached the bus stop, it was already night. Russia sighed, looking at the ground. It took him a while to realize he had the necklace still gripped in his hand. He raised his fist to throw it, but to even his own surprise, he hesitated. He didn't know why but he kept the necklace, stuffing it into his pocket. For the second time he felt his phone ring. He pulled it out again to see, instead of America, Canada calling. He thought about answering but didn't, deciding he'd probably side with America.

          When it stopped ringing, he started getting spammed messages from him. As he read them, he wasn't surprised. Canada was angry at him for just leaving instead of talking it through. He muted his phone and put it in his pocket before standing as the bus pulled up. He felt his heart ache as he boarded.

          When Canada returned to the room after getting food for him and his brother, he found America crying into his knees. He set the food down and sat next to him. "Whoah, what's wrong?" He asked. Instead of replying, America just continued to cry, shaking his head slowly.  Canada waited till he calmed down enough to explain. "He hates me.. And it's all Japan's fault.." He sobbed. 

           Russia got off the bus and, instead of heading home, walked to the park. As he sat on the same bench they'd met up at with the notes, he felt defeated. All the fury he'd felt had drained away and was replaced by hurt. As he sat there pondering, he could feel a sob climbing up his throat. He held it back as long as he could but failed in the end. 

~Hah, Time skip EuE~ 

          A week slowly went by. Russia mostly stayed in his room, only coming out to eat and such. Meanwhile, America was being discharged from the hospital. When he got home, he was greeted with hugs from his brothers. He would've been happier if Russia was there as well. After everyone was settled down, he went to his room and texted Russia. 

America - I'm out of the hospital

America - please answer

America - There's nothing between me and Japan, she forced me to kiss her!

America - please talk to me

                    Oops, looks like phone number isn't getting your messages. Please try again later.

          America stared at his phone for a minute before a tear fell onto the screen. He threw the phone at the wall and rested his head in his palms. Downstairs he could hear people having fun and laughing. Guessing they probably thought he was resting,he got up and locked the door before turning towards the desk, a razor glimmering from the dim light that peeked from the window.

 ~AnOtHer tImE sKiP, ObOi~



MmMM dRamA


          Now that Winter break was over, everyone would return to school and basically screw around until Spring break, which wasn't too far away. Russia and America would have just skipped, but their older siblings forced them to go. Little did the two know, Ukraine and Canada have been in touch (>3>). Canada left America to go talk with Sweden. Meanwhile, Russia went directly to the back of the school, avoiding everyone. 

          America was wearing his camo coat. He'd cut thumb-holes in the sleeves and planned on keeping it on 24/7. Without realizing where Russia was, he too went behind the school. While Russia was looking to avoid America, America wanted to talk to him. As he peeked around the corner, he spotted Russia slouched against the wall with a cigarette lit in his hands.

          Russia puffed on it, staring in the distance blankly before noticing someone staring at him. Looking over he saw America standing there, hands in his pockets and his expression almost painfully sad. The two stared into each other's eyes for a decently long time. Before either of them could say a word, America rushed over and hugged him, starting to cry into his shoulder. Too shocked to be even the slightest bit angry, Russia dropped the cigarette and held him close, feeling tears of his own growing too hard to keep back. 

          "I didn't kiss Japan... She forced it on m-me." America sobbed, squeezing him. Russia was at a loss for words until America started apologizing over and over. "Shh. It's okay, It's okay." He soothed, kissing his head gently.





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