Chapter 15 ~ Bullet Shell

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I just wanted to heavily suggest listening to the song above while reading because, Oh mY gOd, Blackbear is amazing for one, for two, iT mAtChEs tHiS cHaPtEr-

okay I'll let you read now >3>



          "What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you even doing this?" Russia asked, grabbing onto Canada's arm. North Korea grinned for a second before laughing. "Oh, no reason. It's just fun to fuck around with you people. See how you'd react, y'know?" Canada looked at Russia, his eyes widened in horror. "You're a goddamned psychopath..." Russia muttered, backing away.

            When Canada went to follow him, North Korea raised the gun, pointing at his head. Seeing the malicious glint in North Korea's eyes, Russia shoved Canada, just as the trigger was pulled.


          America stumbled along a path he'd found before slouching against a tree. He sighed, rubbing his aching cold legs. He was about to take a nap before he noticed a strange lack of trees in a certain area nearby. Standing up he saw it was a ditch. 'If there's a ditch nearby, there's bound to be a house or something nearby.' He thought determinedly. "There you are." Recognizing the voice immediately, America turned to glare at North Korea. "What are you doing here?" He asked, trying not to look as tired as he really was. 

         "Looking for you of course. Can't have fun if the victim gets saved, now can we?" He grinned, tilting his head slightly. "What the hell are you talking about?" America was genuinely confused. Advancing towards America, he replied, "I'm talking about you. Classic revenge story. Right?" America stepped back, edging closer to the edge of the ditch. "From what...?" North Korea frowned at his question. "All those times you intervened in things that me and South Korea should have fixed by ourselves?" Without warning, he lunged forward with an out stretched hand that snatched his scarf.

          America grabbed his wrist, being prepared for his attack, and swung his whole body weight, pushing North Korea right over the edge of the ditch along with his white scarf. America fell onto his back as he heard a thud, confirming North Korea didn't have as soft a landing as he had. "You asshole!" He heard North Korea scream in fury. Before he had time to climb out to chase him, America got up and ran along the path, glancing back to see North Korea just barely poking his head out of the ditch. 


         After America got away from his attacker, he sat next to a tree, the run leaving him even more energy drained then before. As he started regaining his breathe, he slowly began falling asleep. Not too long after falling asleep, he was jolted awake by a loud bang of a gun, followed by a pained yell. America immediately sat up, looking around. "Canada?" He waited for a minute before another gunshot sounded. He jumped, standing up and cautiously made his way towards the scene.

             Russia stared in shock at Canada's arm, which now held a bullet wound. Looking back at North Korea, he ran over and smacked his hand upward, causing him to shoot into the sky instead of Canada's head. Again. Feeling his ears ringing from the gunshot, he started to wrestle North Korea to the ground, who was swinging blows left and right. After finally managing to get the gun away from him, he let go, backing away with the pistol clutched in his hand. 

          North Korea got up, glaring at him furiously. Russia just glared back before rushing over to help Canada, who was bleeding heavily. He got his belt and used it as a tourniquet before using America's scarf as a bandage. He stood up and bent down to give Canada a hand before a sharp, uncomfortable pain in his side caused him to freeze. "Russia?" Canada stared up at him in concern, his voice layered thick with pain. North Korea stood behind him, stepping back with an army knife with fresh blood smeared on the blade. 

          "Told you it'd get messy." He sneered, putting the knife away before turning to leave. Russia slowly sat down, holding his stab wound in pain. Canada immediately pulled out his phone and called an ambulance. When they asked where they were, he paused. 'Where are we?'  He asked himself, looking around desperately.

          America arrived right as Canada hung up. He looked at them before running over, his heart stopping at the sight of blood on both his brother and his love. "Canada?! Russia?! What the fuck happened?!" He yelled, running over and sliding next to Russia. Both Russia and Canada looked at him in surprise. "Meri!" Russia immediately pulled him into a hug, flinching at the pain it inflicted on his wound. America hugged him back, nuzzling into his neck. "I thought I'd lost you." Russia sighed in relief, squeezing the smaller country. 

          America smiled before realizing the blood was starting to seep into his own clothes. "Come on, we need to get you guys help." He mumbled. "Do either of you know the way home from here?" America asked, pulling away. As both Canada and Russia shook their heads, America ripped off a peice of his NATO shirt and firmly pressed it against Russia's stab wound. After Helping Russia up, the two helped Canada limp back the way they'd come. 

          When they reached South Korea's back yard, Police, paramedics where waiting for them. 



sorry if this seems lazily written, i was out of ideas and vry tired ;^;

hope you guys liked it anyways 

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