Yep, I'm....Gay {8}

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~~~Cale's POV~~~

Grant had left and I had finished dinner. I was now laying on my bed in my room, what I was about to do to Grant replaying inside my head. I had pinned him to the couch and I don't know what came over me. I came within two inches of kissing him before my mom had called us. He just....he just looked so....vulnerable and innocent, almost pure. Plus he was really shy. But what am I doing? I like Audrey. We were going on a date Friday night. So what happened back there? I sighed and pushed it to the back of my mind; it really shouldn't matter anyways.

I felt my eyes getting heavy and yawned. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


The next day, I woke up and made my way downstairs.

"Oh honey, go take your shower before you eat. You fell asleep last night right after dinner." Mom said as she flipped a waffle onto a plate. I walked back upstairs, grabbed a green sweatshirt and light brown pants, and went into the bathroom.

After I had showered I went back downstairs and sat at the table, as Mom placed a plate I front of me.

"Hey, little brother." Danny said as he walked in front the office and ruffled my hair. I swatted at his hand, as he laughed.

"Your little friend you brought home was cute. I thought for sure the first person you brought over would've been a girl." He smirked. Okay he's getting the wrong idea already.

"We're just friends." I said annoyed, "besides I have a date with a girl this Friday."

"Oh really?" He said raising an eyebrow. I nodded and he sighed.

"Oh but why Cale?" He said with a pout.

"Leave him alone Danny. He doesn't have to have an interest in guys like you do." Mom butted in patting Danny's shoulder.

"Fine. But just know that if you do start to get an interest in guys, I'll be the first to know. Bye." He laughed and kissed Mom's cheek, then left out the house.

"You should hurry up too." Mom said making another pate of food, probably for my little sister, Heather. I ate my food and went upstairs and brushed my teeth. I went in my room and put on my black converse. I went back downstairs and hugged my mom and sister before I left.

Pulling into the school parking lot, I saw Grant talking to Zoey. He had a panicked look on his face. Noticing my car and he blushed fiercely and rest his eyes on the ground. I guess he was still embarrassed because of what almost happened yesterday. Zoey just smiled her eyes twinkling. Why was she so happy while Grant looked as if he was gonna have a heart attack? I found a parking space and just as I was pulling up into it, Zoey appeared on the side, waiting for me. I parked and got out.

"Hey!" She said her face filled with excitement.

"Hey." I replied. Grant slowly made his way over to us.

"Hey..." He said not looking at me.

"...Hey." I responded. I guess maybe he was still embarrassed about yesterday.

"Zo, we should get going. Maya and Loren are waiting for us." He said to Zoey. Her smile faded and was replaced by a pout. I don't know why we wanted to talk to me so badly. Grant just rolled his eyes and walked off.

"I'm sorry about Grant," she began turning back to me, "He kind of told me that something happened at your house that made him feel a little awkward around don't have to tell me, he just-"

"It's okay. To tell the truth it made me feel a little weird too." I said, a strange sadness building up in my chest. Why? Maybe I felt a little bad about him not wanting to be around me, I guess.

"So what exactly happened?" She asked.

"Well I guess I was....about to kiss him when we got interrupted." I answered. Her eyes lit up.

"K-Kiss him?!" She squealed. I nodded. She shook her head and her happy expression faded, forcing herself to look serious and calm.

"Oh well I really should get going if my friends are waiting. I'll see you later!" She said running off towards the building. I began walking as well when I felt someone grab my arm. I turned coming face to face with Audrey.

"Hi there, Cale." She smiled.

"Hey yourself." I said smiling back. We both began walking together.

"Did you already have something in mind for us to do tomorrow night?" She asked me, her expression telling me she hope I didn't.

"I was gonna think about it tonight. Did you have something in mind?" I questioned her. She smiled.

"Well a friend of mine is having a party. I was wondering if we could go there." She said.

"Yeah, I'm down for that." I smirked taking her hand in mine. She blushed a little.

"Cool." She replied. We walked into the building and I hugged her before going off to my first class.


Yay! I updated twice in one day! Sorry it's short again! Filler chapter. I'm getting back to Grant's POV next so I just ended here. So what do you guys think of them going to a party? What do think is gonna happen there? Guess you'll just have to keep reading I find out!!

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