Yep, I'm....Gay {15}

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~~~Grant's POV~~~

Monday morning. I was at my car waiting for Cale to bring his slow ass over to me and I swear I saw snail pass by him.

"Cale, can you go any slower?" I groaned. Cale suddenly stopped, a sly smiling tugging at his lips, and started walking even slower.

"Cale!" I groaned again.

"Okay okay." He laughed, "Hey." He finally made his way over to me. I glared at him.

"What? I'm sorry." He chuckled.

"You were doing it on purpose. I'm mad at you now." I said walking off without him.

"Baby I'm sorry." He said with a fake pout. But he was so cute, I just couldn't be mad at him.

"Ugh. Fine. You're forgiven. And keep your voice down. I still don't want people to know." I said rolling my eyes.

"But Grant." He pouted.

"No. Now come on." I walked in the building and spotted my friends waving to me and Cale.

"Hey you two." Maya said.

"Hey." I said back.

"So Zoey said you guys have something to tell me so spill." She said as Loren and Evan laughed together. I shot them both looks.

"Okay. So me and Cale....are dating." I said keeping my voice low. Her eyes widened.

"No way!! No freaking way!! Oh my god!! Grant that's so cute!" She giggled.

"What? Cute?" I asked confused.

"I could just imagine you with a guy. It's" She answered.

"It's so me?" I pouted.

"Yep, little Grant it's soooo you to be gay." Loren laughed putting a hand on my shoulder. I swatted at him, still pouting.

"So you guys never thought I could never be straight?" I questioned.

"Yep, never." Evan laughed, "but Cale we wouldn't have."

Cale chuckled.

"Ugh. I hate you guys." I groaned rolling my eyes. Cale slung an arm over my shoulder, "oh you know you love me Grant." I removed his arm and began walking off towards english when Zoey grabbed my arm.

"Grant...I....I want to talk to you." She said her face serious. I nodded and let her pull me over to the side.

"What is it?" I asked a little concerned.

"You still haven't told your parents about your relationship have you?" She said. I paused for a moment looking in her eyes.

"Yea I haven't told them. Why?"

"You need to."


"The later the find out...the worse it could get. If you tell them now they might not be rude about it."

"I don't know how'll they'll feel. I don't want to tell them."

"But they'll find out sooner or later."

"I don't know."

"Tell them today."


"Tell them. Please Grant."


"Grant please."

"......I'll....I'll think about it."

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