Yep, I'm....Gay {18}

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~~~Cale's POV~~~

"Where is he?!" I yelled getting out of my car and running over to Zoey.

"I just got here! Look around!" She screamed. I looked over toward the bridge where Grant had taken me and sure enough there he was.

"Grant!" I shouted. He looked back at me a little startled, but smiled. It was sad. He turned back to the river. Oh HELL NO. I instantly started running down the hill, just as Grant leaped into the water. His entire body went under and he didn't come back up.

"OH MY GOD!" I heard Zoey screaming. I took off my shirt and dived in the water. It was too murky to see anything. I had to rely on touch if was gonna find him. I resurfaced.

"Hurry Cale! He can't swim! He'll drown for sure!" She cried. She took out her phone and dialed a number, "Yes! Please hurry! My friend's trying to drown himself and he can't swim!"

I dived under the water and felt the bottom for Grant. Nothing. I came back up again for air. I dived for a third time and just when I was about to come back up I felt what I thought was a hand. I grabbed it and felt around with my other hand and sure enough there was a body attached to it. I grabbed an arm and pulled it to the surface. When my head finally came above the water, I saw Grant in my arms.

"Hurry get him over here!" Zoey shouted. I pulled him over to the side and Zoey pulled him out. I got out and sat beside Grant. We began to hear sirens so Zoey ran up to get them so they'd know where we were.

"Come on Grant! Don't die!" I said, taking Grant's hand, "Please stay with me. I couldn't bare to lose you." I realized I had begun to cry.


I took Grant's hand in mine. Nothing. He was gone.

Suddenly there was coughing.


I opened my eyes and saw Grant with his other hand up to his mouth coughing up water.

"Grant!!" I said wrapping my arms around him.

"What's going on?" He questioned. I didn't say anything. I just held him crying over him. Zoey finally came back down the hill with an ambulance team and two police officers. Following them were Grant's parents, his mother crying and dad staring me down. The medical team picked up Grant and put him on a stretcher and carried him up the hill.

"Cale, what's going on?" He asked me, tightening his grip on my hand.

"Nothing. Don't worry. Everything is gonna be okay." I kissed his forehead before they put him in the ambulance and shut the doors.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad he's okay." Zoey said coming up to me still partially crying, "you saved him. You really saved him Cale. Thank you."

"I would do anything for Grant. I....I love him." I told her. That's right. I love Grant Carpenter. I love him so much. If he had world would've ended. That's just how much I love him.


After about two hours of being at home I decided to go to the hospital to see Grant.

I slowly opened the doors to his room. Grant looked up from his sketchbook and a small smile appeared on his face.



"Those roses for me?"

"There's no one else I'd rather be giving them to."

He chuckled and closed his book and put it off to the side. I walked over to him and placed the roses down before sitting on the edge of his hospital bed and pressed my lips against his. He kissed me back, then pulled away.

"That was sudden." He said not losing his smile.

"You're an idiot." I told him.

"What?!" He said surprised.

"You're an idiot. You tried to kill yourself over the shit happening in your life. And it was a selfish attempt. What's wrong with you?" I said.

"What's wrong with me?! Two hours ago, I was drowning and now you want to call me an-"

"I love you."

Grant froze and just stared at me, his mouth hanging open.

"You what?"

"I love you, Grant. And you're an idiot for not taking my feelings into consideration when you thought of ending your life. How do you think I felt when I was out there trying to save you?" I said my eyes starting to fill with tears. Grant's the same.

"I....I don't....Cale...." He mumbled.

"I love you so much it hurts to know what you tried to do. But I guess it doesn't matter now that you're still here."

Tears began streaming down Grant's face.

"I love you, too." Grant said. Tears left my eyes and I grabbed both of his hands.

"I want you to know that if you ever try to end your life again, mine will end too."

"I'm sorry." Grant cried wrapping his arms around my neck. I snaked my arms around his waist. Grant pressed his lips against mine and kissed me. This time the kiss wasn't filled with lust and wasn't because he felt desperate. It was filled with passion. Love. I kissed him back harder as I brought his body closer to mine.


I broke the kiss and turned towards the door. His parents were sitting there. His mom was in tears as his dad looked ashamed.

"Cale, is it? May I have a word with you outside?" His father spoke. I nodded and began to get up when Grant pulled me back down by my arm.

"If there's something you want to say to can say it in front of me. He's my boyfriend and I won't sit back and let him take the crap from you." He said. I looked at him and grinned.

"Alright, then." His father began, "Cale, we appreciate you saving of son....and we've realized that even if you are gay, you're not a bad person. We see you care very much for our son. And we couldn't ask for anything more. You have our blessing to be with him. And I am sorry for the way I treated you before."

I looked at him in silence before responding, "Thank you, sir."

"Oh Grant." His mother cried, "I never wanted this to happen."

"It's okay, Mom." Grant said.

"You know, you really changed my life here." He said turning to me.

"I did?"

"Yea. Before you came, I never had a crush, never had a first kiss, never found anyone attractive....never had someone who cares for me even more than Zoey."

"Well, great. I got to be your firsts." I smirked. He smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

"But really, thanks for being there when I needed you. You're a great boyfriend."

"I know."


Hi guys! I'm pretty sure next chapter will be the end of story but there will be one epilogue so the story is ending probably next chapter. :( sad face. I'm gonna miss Grant and Cale. They were so cute! So yea. Later.

November 26 update- the next chapter has sexual scenes in it. Most likely you will need to be following me to see it. If it is already in your library before you follow you might need to take it out and then put it back. Have fun reading!!!

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