Yep, I'm....Gay {7}

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~~~Grant's POV~~~

I drove down on North street like Cale had told me to and saw a house with a tire swing. This must me it. I pulled into the driveway and sat there.

What am I doing? Why am I here? Why do I have to be so nervous? Why did I have to like him? I got out of the car, locking it behind me, and lowly made my way to the front door. My legs felt like jello and my hands were getting all sweaty. I hesitantly knocked three times on the door. Just when I was about to ditch and get back in my car, the door opened. It was a guy. He looked a lot like Cale. Probably his brother. Same emerald green eyes and blond hair, but he had a fohawk.

"Who are you?" He asked looking down at me. He seemed scary too. More annoyed right now though.

"I'm Grant. Cale invited me over." I said sheepishly.

"Oh did he now?" His annoyed expression faded and was to replaced my a smirk. He gripped my chin with thumb and index finger, pulling my face upwards, bringing his closer to mine. I froze, blush appearing on my face. He licked his lips and chuckled. Oh god. His lips were literally two inches from mine when he was jerk back my his shoulder. It was Cale.

"Could you not?" He said rolling his eyes, clearly irritated. I let out a sigh of relief. Geez was Cale's brother really about to kiss me?

"What? I just couldn't help myself. He looked so innocent and vulnerable." He shrugged, not dropping his smirk, and walked off. What the hell? I looked up and met Cale eyes.

"Sorry about my him. He likes to mess with people a lot." He said jerking his thumb at his brother as he walked upstairs. My blush deepened and I looked at the ground.

"Is he gay or something?" I said my voice in a whisper.

"He's bi...but he seems to like guys a little more than girls. Sorry if he made you feel uncomfortable." Cale responded. Yea, he did make me feel uncomfortable but not for the reasons Cale probably thought. I had to get rid of these feelings. If I don't, I'll only get hurt. Humiliated, hurt, and crushed. And that's never happened before. There's no telling how badly I'd take rejection. I've never liked someone so I never had to worry about stuff like this.

"Come on in." He said nodded towards the inside of his house. I slowly stepped inside taking in how big it was. It looked small outside. It also smelled nice. Just like Cale. A woman appeared in the kitchen.

"Oh Cale! I see you brought a friend over." She said looking surprised at me.

"Yea, this is Grant. We'll be in my room, if you need me." Cale said walking towards the stairs. I followed behind him. When we got to the top, we went down a long hallway and entered a room on the left. It was definitely a guys room. The walls were painted navy and there were football sticker on the wall and posters. The bed stood out the most; it had a red comforter. There were some clothes on the floor but it wasn't too messy. There was a small closet and a bathroom connected to it. He also had a flat screen on the wall. Cale plopped down on the bed, letting out a sigh. I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"So....w-what did you invite me over for?" I asked curiously.

"Hm, I guess I just wanted to get to know you." He shrugged. Okay this was awkward. I had absolutely nothing to talk about with him, so what was I supposed to say?

"So what did you want to know?" I asked fiddling with my fingers.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. Hey, you know Audrey Callahan right?" He questioned me.

"Yea." I answered.

"Well I asked her to go out with me Friday night." He said looking closely at me. I felt my face burning. Ugh. I knew it. He was straight. It couldn't have been more obvious.

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