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"Wake up!" Vern yells out, seeing the six teenagers asleep. "Who has to use the lavatory?" Everyone answers, raising their hands swiftly.

Bender pisses happily, a sigh escaping him. Julian swallows the thick saliva in his mouth, staring at himself in the mirror. Andrew pushes pass him, the two bumping shoulders roughly. In response, Jc pokes his tongue inside his mouth, inhaling heavily.

With the zip of his pants, John flushes, walking towards Julian. He stands beside the male, washing his hands. "Hey, um-" he stutters before clearing his throat. "Thank for standing up for me back there."

"It's fine," he waves it off.

"No," his soaked hand wraps around Julian's wrist, making the latter freeze, his cheeks becoming a bit rosy. "Thank you." Awkward silence goes around for a while. "You better take it. I don't give out thanks very often."

"Y-Yeah." Julian turned into a stuttering mess in short span of time.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Bender chuckles, yanking Jc back toward him. He hits his chest with a thud before looking up slowly, finding his eyes looking at Bender's.

John can't help but stare at the rare color Julian has in his eyes; it's similar to a green jade.

"So..." Bender drags along, "are you really a fairy?" Julian mood changes quickly, his cheeks losing its color as his eyes somehow get darker, now closer to a dark amazon.

"As a matter of fact, I'm not a fairy. I'm a homosexual, so excuse me." Jc pulls his arm for John's grip, his feet slamming against the floor as he walks away.

"Damn it," Bender sighs, rubbing his forehead. He places his forefinger and thumb on his temple, wanting to smack himself for his stupidity.

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