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Alright girls, that's thirty minutes for lunch," Vernon states, John whistling in the background.

"Here?" Andrew asks.

"No, the janitor's closet," Julian states, leaning back in his chair. Andrew turns, giving the latter a look of annoyance.

"I think the cafeteria would be a more suitable place for us to eat lunch in, sir!"

"Well I don't care what you think, Andrew," Vern snaps.

"Uh, Dick?" Bender speaks. "Excuse me, Rich. Will milk be made available to us?" he wonders.

"We're extremely thirsty," Julian adds.

"I have a very low tolerance for dehydration," Claire adds her two bits in as well.

"I've seen her dehydrate sir, it's pretty gross." Claire glares at Andrew.

"Relax, I'll get it," Bender stands up from his seat.

"What do you think, I was born yesterday?"

"Not with those gray hairs," Julian mumbles.

"What was that?"

"Hm?" The two bore their eyes into each other for a few moments. Vern loses, turning away from the male to point at Andrew and Allison to go get some drinks from the vending machine.

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