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All around stood soft green grass. The manor stood high. Jace was just a boy. Giggling while rolling in the dirt. Then he saw something run from the field. A small mouse. Jace immediately ran to it, and with his agility, just barely caught it. It had small, honey brown fur, and long white whiskers. It squeaked and squeaked. Jace simply pet the mouse, and then the mouse stopped whimpering. Then... There stood a man. Valentine.

"What have I told you about such things boy?" Valentine asked harshly. Jace simply bowed his head, and handed the small mouse to his father. Then, he heard a crack, and the lifeless body of the small mouse fell to the ground. Jace let a tear fall, and immediately knew it was a mistake. Valentine picked the boy up so he stood, and fiercely grabbed his chin so that he made eye contact.

"To love is destroy! Never forget that!" Valentine yelled, and stormed into the manor. Leaving Jace completely and utterly alone.

"And to be loved, is to be the one destroyed." Jace said in a whisper. Although alone. Then he closed his child-like eyes, and was immediately in a different place.

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