Chapter 10

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"The best kind of friendships are the ones that are best friendships...they are the thing that keeps people happy...being best friends with somebody can change a person...for better....or maybe for worse"


Best Friend

a person's closest friend.


4 Months later


Jungkook and Taehyung were the best of friends now.
It had been a Few months and they were as close a ever now, they knew every detail about each other.

The bullies still hadn't stopped what they were doing, they left horrible notes in jungkooks locker everyday, and on Mondays there would be a ton of notes, all of them saying that Jungkook should kill himself.
The bullies would spend weekends just making letters and shoving them all in his locker, all just to be horrible human beings.

But now that Jungkook had Taehyung, those words were nothing. Because he knew that as long as taehyung was there he can be happy and be himself.


It was the weekend.

And that was like that beautiful breath of fresh air that everyone needed.
Some time away from homework, teachers, heck even students.

And for Jungkook, it was a time to hang out with Taehyung.
So he did, he had walked to the elders house and asked to have ice cream which the elder instantly said yes to.

Once they arrived at the coffee shop Jungkook got (your choice) ice cream while taehyung got coffee ice cream. 

They both sat down a stuffed down the ice cream. And in less than five minutes, brain freeze and all, they were done.

They soon walked out and began walking down the streets talking in sign language, laughing, heck maybe jungkook would peed himself again.

Taehyung smiled at the younger "Taehyung, Are you dating anyone?"

Jungkook asked in sign language soon causing taehyung to choke on his saliva, a red color painting all over his face.

He soon began questioning why he was acting this way.
He looked at Jungkook again and the same thing happened, his heart raced. Jungkook instantly noticed and smiled "Awww! Look who's blushing!" He spoke and taehyung glared playfully, soon booping the youngers nose "shush!" He spoke putting a finger over the youngers lips.
When jungkook felt Taehyungs finger on his lips, he blushed madly, his heart racing at the touch, it oddly sent shivers down his spine, and it made him have strange feelings.

These feelings that they were both feeling had been going on since they met, they never stopped after they made eye contact, the day taehyung saved Jungkook.

It just clicked.
Jungkook and taehyung were both red and clearly awkward, they had no idea what feelings they were having.
Until they made eye contact, it felt like a spark had just gone off... They stared at each-other, the lights outside making their eyes glisten.

They didn't even notice their faces come closer and closer.....

They were just itches away from each-others lips before


"god-dammit!" Taehyung spoke picking up his phone, his dad calling him "it's my dad.." taehyung spoke and Jungkook smiled "go ahead and answer" Jungkook spoke smiling and Taehyung nodded

"Kookie....I have to go" he signed sadly and Jungkook sighed "everything okay?" He asked and Taehyung shook his head "My moms getting sicker by the day...It might be her last day here and now..." taehyung signed, a hint of anger and sadness in his eyes. Jungkook soon hugged him and then they parted ways.


Jungkook hadn't seen taehyung since, it had been days.

His mother did pass away.
She had been very sick for months, and lost her battle with cancer after fighting it.

Jungkook couldn't help his never ending worry for taehyung.
And his whole personality took a toll, all he could think about was taehyung and how he was doing.
School was back to normal, the many endless letters that made their way into his locker. It made him sad, each day, the letters remained with horrible words about him, then the worst One "Kill yourself".

Jungkook sighed and began to walk to his class alone, but his eyes widened when he saw taehyung.

But...He looked different...

He looked different

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Jungkook ran up to him hugging him  "Taehyung!" He spoke and the elder looked at him and pushed him off, soon walking away

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Jungkook ran up to him hugging him  "Taehyung!" He spoke and the elder looked at him and pushed him off, soon walking away.

That broke Jungkooks heart.

"D-Did I do something wrong?"

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