Epilogue P.2

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He was broken.

He lost everyone. Everyone he loved, the brother he vowed to protect, his best friend, his father, His mother.
He didn't know how to handle the pain anymore.
He was alone and he couldn't handle that.
He felt a hectic amount of blame fill his mind, Heart, and soul.

He couldn't, wouldn't forgive himself for thier deaths, it was too much to handle, his mind felt like it was echoing, thumping with horrid thoughts.

Yoongi punched walls, his fits bloody, bruised and cut up.
He was skinny and pale, atleast more than before, he lost touch with life, lost touch with himself.
He was a broken human now, alone.
He know he shouldn't feel this way, feel so...Alone, but the feeling of his brother being gone, hurt....His brother....Best friend..Mother...Father.

He broke

Like glass he shattered...

All he needed was a little gasoline

Yoongi poured the smelly liquid everywhere in his room, grabbing his lighter as well. He slowly lit up the lighter, ready to close his eyes. He closed them dropping it....

Just like that...His story ended too

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