Chapter 13

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Trigger warning

Blood and gore


I'll Save You...



the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person


Jungkooks eyes  slowly opened to the ground. It was cold...hard concrete

. He leaned himself up, but couldn't do much because he was harshly pulled up.

He was soon dragged to an unknown's became clear....It was a bridge...his head hung low, fear racking his body at the water below him

When he looked up, he saw Yoongi and Taehyung hand cuffed, bruised and beaten.

Jungkook tried to run to them but he was soon thrown to the ground "J-Jungkook!" Yoongi Yelled, his voice filling jungkooks ears, sound becoming way to new "what the hell" He spoke,
All the sounds scaring him.

He was soon grabbed again...
An unfamiliarity yet..familiar voice
Entering his ears

"Jungkook" a male spoke soon coming closer....His face slowly becoming familiar, until....

"D-Dad...." jungkook spoke shocked hearing a gasp from Yoongi

"DON'T HURT HIM!" Yoongi Yelled

"Shut up Yoongi! I don't need your smartass mouth right now!" Jiwon spoke

"I SWEAR IF YOU LAY ONE FINGER ON HIM ILL KILL YOU!" Yoongi Yelled "You mean like this?" Jiwon spoke before punching Jungkook harshly "STOP! ILL KILL YOU!" Yoongi Yelled, Taehyung trying desperately to break free to save Jungkook

"Jungkook you do realize your the reason your mom died?" He spoke and Jungkook looked down "Or how I left, it was because of you...You made Yoongi go through pain...and Taehyung, you took his time away from his sick mother" He spoke both Taehyung and Yoongi fuming with rage

"You realize your the reason me and Yoongi became better people, hell we are much...MUCH BETTER THAN YOU'LL EVER BE!" Jungkook yelled before he was punched again, this time in the stomach

"You'll learn the hard way not to talk back to me Jungkook" he spoke before

"Those students that told you over and over again to kill your self and your still alive?" Jiwon spoke "SHUT UP!" Jungkook yelled out again "ILL SPEAK UP OVER AND OVER AGAIN! YOY CANT STOP ME ANYMORE!" He yelled

"Don't forget I'm the reason you can hear right now" he spoke, watching Jungkook gulped "What did you do?"Jungkook asked "A little thing I like to call...drugging you!" He spoke before punching the younger again "Man I like this, beating the shit out of my disgrace of a son" He yelled, the sounds of Yoongi and Taehyung yelling in the back ground

He soon punched the younger again, slamming him into the ground

"Your a burden" he spoke "You should just-" he was about to make another harsh blow to the youngers sanity before taehyung interupted "JUNGKOOK!" He yelled "DONT LISTEN TO HIM!" Taehyung Yelled soon seeing Jiwon go up to him and slap him "Shut the hell up!" He Yelled

A snap.

A snap in Jungkook, a feeling of rage so fiery, so strong

A huge rage took over the younger with that slap

He soon ran at Jiwon attacking him, breaking free of his cuffs and punching him harshly, the men around soon grabbed the younger and began punching him harshly, they wouldn't stop, they just kept beating And beating the younger

The yells from Yoongi and Taehyung begging and pleading for them to stop still in the back ground

Soon Jiwon stood up taking a knife from his pocket "Move boys...He's mine" he spoke, soon taehyung and Yoongi went wide eyed trying  even harder it break free

Taehyung  accomplishing so, breaking free from the handcuffs.

He soon ran at Jiwon, grabbing the knife and throwing it.
Jiwon pushed Taehyung back, rage taking over him as he pushed Taehyung closer to the ledge of the bridge, he soon grabbed his gun out of his back pocket and aimed.

"Say bye bye pretty boy!"

But When he fired.

Jungkook ran...

He ran and hugged taehyung.

The sound of the bullet slamming into Jungkooks  frail skin was heard.

Taehyung held the younger Tightly the feeling of the bullet through the youngers back was felt, all the blood.

"J-Jungkook.." Taehyung spoke trying to move but he was frozen.
Jiwon about to shoot again before Yoongi attacked him.

Jungkook soon lost consciousness falling onto Taehyung even more

But Taehyung was still on the edge....

Before he could do anything.

they fell.


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