Chapter 3

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"The toughest souls....

Have been the most scarred "


Min Yoongi


Sign Language

a system of communication using visual gestures and signs, as used by deaf people.


Yoongi had taught Jungkook everything.
From how to speak to how to learn sign language, which he himself learned from a book he stole.
Yoongi worked hard to get money for the two, he was so young, and getting money was close to impossible when he first started.

He wasn't going to give up on Jungkook, no matter what. He would love and care for his brother, he would even give his life to the younger.

That's the scary part....
Is that he'd end his very life for Jungkook.

"YOOOOOONGIIIIII" jungkook Yelled slightly staring at the Tv show playing.


"HE IS SO YELLOW! AND SQUISHY LIKE A HAIRLESS CAT!" He Yelled and Yoongi shook his head just laughing at the youngers inner kid, he spoon sighed to the younger "So hairless cats are yellow now?" Yoongi asked

"IMAGINATION!" He yelled doing the hand-sign

"Aish this kid is way to into this show" he whispered standing up and going to the kitchen.

He soon got out ingredients to make dinner.

He grabbed lettuce, cheese, bacon, eggs, bread,

Soon he made scrambled eggs, adding salt and pepper to them, soon toasting the bread.
Once he was done he made the bacon,
He grabbed the toasted slice of bread and added the cheese, then the eggs then the lettuce and bacon.

He handed the younger the sandwich and watched as the youngers eyes stayed glued to the TV.
They were sparkling at it. Yoongi loved subtitles, they gave Jungkook the opportunity to watch TV like a normal kid

Once they had eaten Yoongi watched as the youngers eyes went heavy, they struggled to stay open for awhile until finally they closed.

Yoongi giggled a bit and stood up picking the younger up, with a smile on his face he shook his head.

He laid the younger on his bed and smiled "I promise mom everyday I won't let anything happen to you....I'll help you through any struggle, any hardship, and if anyone comes into your life and hurts you..They'll deal with me...and it won't be pretty" Yoongi spoke kissing the youngers forehead and leaving.


Yoongi learned sign language with Jungkook, helping him through the struggles of trying to learn full sentences and how to not use bad words.

It was the time when their father was around.....But five years ago he left. Leaving Yoongi at age fifteen to take care of a ten year old, a deaf one. It was horrible, they had a small amount of money that their father left for them.

But for Yoongi.

His only focus was Jungkook. Even when his mom was pregnant he knew that he'd protect his little brother with his life.
He knew he'd always be that big brother that the younger would count on.
The older brother that the younger brother would tell his hardships to.

He did just that, he protects Jungkook with everything he has.
He makes sure he's happy, and considering Jungkook was a ball of nothing but happy, it made Yoongi confident that he was doing well in giving the younger everything he needs to become a strong adult.

Yoongi has always been pretty independent, but he loved his mom and dad, he adored them. He wanted to always protect them, but when his mom died, he felt like he let her down. Until he realized that she'd want jungkook to be protected and safe and loved, so he did that for her. He gave him the love he deserved. Protected him, kept him safe even in the public eye.

He knows shes proud of him.

The sad part for him is the fact Jungkook never got to meet the amazing women who gave him life. She loved him so much, even when she knew she had but only a few short seconds left.
She knew she'd love him, even in the afterlife.

Yoongi hates his father...No he despises him

Not because he left, and that's a pretty good damn reason to be mad, but it was what he said and did to Jungkook.

"Dad! You can't leave us!" Yoongi Yelled keeping the terrified jungkook behind him

"Then let's leave together! Leave this Worthless deaf brat behind!" Jiwon spoke and Yoongi shook his head "N-No!" Yoongi spoke with tear-filled eyes "Oh come on Yoongi! I wanted a strong son! Not a weak worthless brat!" He Yelled and Yoongi glared "He's going to do amazing things! Your such a horrible father! Your the mistake! Not him!"
Yoongi Yelled and Jiwon glared pushing Yoongi and grabbing Jungkook "PUT HIM DOWN NOW JIWON!" Yoongi Yelled, saying his fathers name.

Jiwon glared even more "You dare say my name!? You dare act like you can talk to me like that!?" He yelled  before he soon threw the sobbing Jungkook at a wall, a picture frame breaking, glass scattering its pointy shards across the floor, cutting up the slowly bruising Jungkook.

Yoongi gasped loudly "J-Jungkook!" He yelled racing to the younger, whose eyes were shut "Jungkook! Jungkook! Baby do you hear- Jungkook?!" He yelled "Tsk...Like I said...Weak....A weak disgrace I wish I never had" he spoke before slamming the door behind him


Those words, each one was just another horrible stab at Jungkook, the moment he threw the younger at that wall. Yoongi instantly hated his father.
All it took was for that one moment and a whole line of hatred came in.

Remembering the youngers bruises, the cuts that bled on the youngers legs and arms.
So no, his father leaving wasn't the worst part.
But him hurting Jungkook, the innocent, beautiful, child who did nothing wrong, thrown at a wall and bleeding, being in pain, knocked out, all because he's deaf, at that moment, in those very moments, Yoongi knew he'd never let anyone hurt Jungkook again, he'd never let anyone make him cry, and if they do, he'd make them pay.

He'd kill them.
He'd make them suffer.

He would make sure they never said or did another thing to someone again.

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