Chapter 11

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"When the one you love most hurts you....that's the pain that hurts the most...especially when you never really know what you did wrong"





A mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.


Jungkooks eyes slowly opened, they were swollen from the tears he had cried.

Taehyung was treating him horribly, the past few days he either ignored Jungkook or treated him badly, saying mean things to him in sign language. And that hurt jungkook.
Because he loved Taehyung. He was in love with Taehyung.


The pain he had felt had been bottling up for so long, the once kept up semi short hair he had, was longer.
He had a strong look of pain and anger that his entire look changed.

His once bright colorful clothes changed into dark blacks...He looked...mature.
The once smiles and rainbows Jungkook was now...a shadow.

(God save my soul)

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(God save my soul)

Jungkook pulled his hoodie over his head, he soon began walking to his locker knowing he'd see letters.

Once he opened his locker he saw all of them saying kill your self.

Each and everyone of them said that.

"Screw off" he spoke, crumbling up the letters and throwing them away.

But another fell from his locker. Once that caught his eye, one that hurt him in ways the 'kill yourself' one couldn't

Taehyung hates you.

That one made jungkook break.
He started to cry, tears flowing down his face rapidly , stuffing that letter his bag he left.

He sighed when he walked into class, his eyes making eye contact with Taehyung, who looked away

He didn't pay attention to the lesson, and the bullies were taunting him today.

They were poking his back harshly with pencils and saying horrible things about him.

The room was full of students, and the nerves Jungkook had were leaving him quickly

Jungkook soon couldn't take it anymore and he just snapped, he grabbed the boys pencil and snapped it in half throwing it at his face "Back-The-Fuck-Off" he spoke coldly, and everyone including the teacher went silent, staring at Jungkook, whom was normally a euphoric kid, with a passion of being happy, but today, he was not happy at all, there were no signs of the euphoric kid everyone knew.

"Fuck all of you! How many times are you going to tell me kill my self!? Or that I'm a retard!? Or how worthless I am!?

How many times ARE ALL OF YOU

Yeah, I may be deaf.
But that doesn't mean I can't hear, because I can, and all of you, you are all

"So take your damn letter about how Taehyung fucking hates me and shove it where the sun doesn't shine" he spoke before sitting back down.

The class was in utter shock, silence, and pain.
Everyone in there felt Jungkooks pain, and everyone in there felt themselves in a pool of guilt.

The teacher didn't say anything to Jungkook she just continued her lesson, her being one of the few teachers that Lets certain students get away with things, this being one of the most shocking things to happen in all her years

And Taehyung...He was shocked, he just stared at Jungkook...he never knew any of this...he wanted to say something, but the pain he was feeling...he couldn't.


In the next few days things only got worse for Jungkook.
The bullies still continued there ways, this time coming worse.

The younger sighed slamming his locker door shut.
He was about to leave before he was slammed into the lockers, it was Jackson

"You think it was funny to break my pencil?" He yelled "You think it's funny to bully a deaf kid, since your to chickenshit to do it to anyone else?" Jungkook replied, watching as Jackson's face went red "I had compassion for you once Jackson, but hurting others because your in pain doesn't make it go away" Jungkook sighed "You can leave as many damn letters as you want, you can punch me and beat me as much as you want to, you'll not feel better until you yourself fix it" Jungkook spoke before pushing the elder off and walking away.


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