Stuck and alone

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Lately, I have been feeling stuck behind all those around me. I mean I try so hard to get further along in the world and I feel like I am in quicksand. Nothing I do feels like I am getting anywhere. I see all these people accomplishing more than me and I feel like a failure. Maybe my time to prosper is coming and I need to just be patient. For me it's not that I want to be better than others, it's just at my age I thought I would be further in my life and career.

There are some of you out there that feel the same way. You may feel the same way I do right now but you will prosper and grow. Life just prepares for certain stages in our lives at different times. Loneliness has stepped up lately to take my thoughts for a dark ride. Fighting my way back I am looking toward what's coming.  Soon everything you have been struggling with solve itself. Smile through the storm and you will make it through. No matter what life throws at us we can choose whether to run or stand up and embrace it. 

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