The world is ever changing and sometimes we feel lost in all the noise. We often feel like we are unworthy and a failure. That's not the case, we are fighting for the future we want. No one can tell us how we should feel or how to act. Ultimately it is our lives and we write the ending. Life will knock us down and it may hurt but we always get back up and push on. Sometimes we may need help getting up but there is always a helping hand in the shadows waiting.
Little by little, we will build ourselves up to where we want to be. We all go through different things but we are always there for each other. You will find that the more we feel alone the more we exclude ourselves. I have found that the best way to feel a little less alone is to keep a journal. You can express yourself and get out your deepest thoughts.
Healing happens in different stages when our heart is ready to move on. We just have to let go a little bit a day till our heart says your strong enough to let go. There will be tears and doubt but you just have to have faith in yourself. There will never be a time when you are completely alone and you need to know there is hope for you. It may not be right away but it will happen when it's supposed to. Until then let the weight off your heart by expressing your inner thoughts. I am always here for anyone who wants to talk. You all are important and needed in this life. Just hang in there for the moment you are meant to be.
On a side note, I want to thank each person who has shared their story with me. The glimpse into your soul you provided has helped me understand you all that much more. You are worthy of love and no judgement.