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The Wayne's......the wealthiest family in Gotham, their family had been rich for generations, and helped build the city of Gotham. It was a cold, dark, foggy, winters night in the city, and the tall, dark brown haired,well dressed in a black tuxedo, with a black moustache, Thomas Wayne had paid for his wife, Martha and his Son, Bruce to go to the theatre on the night. After the show had ended, the family had taken a shortcut through a nearby alley way, which was dark, gloomy, and felt out of the way of all the city life. 'VOTE COBBLEPOT FOR MAYOR', a poster read on the brick wall of an apartment building, as they walked through the alley. Martha, Thomas's wife, has long brown hair, she wore a cream fur coat, over her black dress, with black tights and black high heeled shoes. Also, Thomas had bought her a new necklace, which was made up of pearls, which she wore on the night. Bruce, wore a black tuxedo, similar to his father, with his hair gelled to the right side of his head, and stood in between his mother and father.

The Wayne's were laughing, and joking, as they walked through the alley, and then suddenly a mysterious man, who wore a dark brown dirty shirt, a black leather jacket, dark grey cargo pants, a pair of black shiny shoes, a dark brown flat cap, which black fingerless gloves, covering his hands, approached them, from the shadows. "Hey!", he said and then he shot Thomas in the chest, he turned to Martha and snatched the pearls from her neck and said "Be quiet!", he then shot her and then reached for Thomas's wallet, and then barged past Bruce, who's face was in shock, and sprinted through the alley. "Mom.....Dad?", he questioned, he then kneeled down and placed his palm on his father's chest, and felt that his heart was not beating, he saw a blood stain on his white shirt, and then noticed one of his mother, tears burst out of his eyes, as he felt, scared, worried, shocked and alone. He looked around him, and saw nothing but the dark alley way and cars whizzing past at each end, he looked up into the sky, on his knees and screamed in fear and anger, with a street light shining down on them.

The young Bruce Wayne, and his legal Guardian, butler and close friend to his parents, Alfred Pennyworth stood over the graves of his parents. Alfred, placed both of his palms on the young boy's shoulders, while Bruce looked down on their grave stones, with tears in his eyes and a mixed look of anger and devastation on his face. A light brown haired man, wearing a black suit, who looked to be in his early thirties, approached the two, and introduced himself, "You must be Bruce.....My Name's Jim..Jim Gordon, pleases to meet you". Jim, put his arm out to shake Bruce's hand, and then he told Alfred, "I'm a detective for the GCPD......we're gonna find who did this, I promise you", Alfred nodded at him, and then shook Jim's hand, as Jim's partner, Harvey Bullock, who wore, black laced shoes, black suit pants, a belt, which held his silver GCPD badge, a black leather jacket, a white shirt, a black tie and a black fedora hat on his head, stood by a black, and white Gotham City police car, and nodded at Alfred.

A pair of police officers, had gone to investigate a reported kidnapping, at an abandoned factory, in the industrial district of Gotham City. The two entered the factory, holding their flashlights in one hand, and a pistol in the other, they walked slowly through the building and then found a dead body on the floor, with blood pouring out of his head, from a bullet Mark. "The fuck.....stay close", an officer said and then they heard bullet fire and then a scream. They followed the sound, and found a metallic, Bat-Shaped object stuck into a wall, they approached the object, and found blood stains on the one side, at a sharp end, and saw a weird silhouette, he turned around and saw a in the shadows, a mysterious dark, caped figure, with a long black ears. "Holy shit!", an officer said and started to fire at the mysterious figure, then smoke had emerged and the figure had flew upwards. The officer had run into the smoke, and the figure had disappeared, the two officers looked at each other in fear, and one of them said, "let's get outta here".

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