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"All our hopes slip away, and we are tempted to despair. And we ask did it come to this?", an elderly man, with long grey hair, tied up, with a grey beard, wearing a grey suit jacket, with grey pants without a shirt on, spoke to the large crowd of people. "Hands in the air, Blackfire!", a police officer had shouted, as him and another officer had ran into the building aiming pistols at the man. "My children, the devil has sent these creatures to hunt us!", Blackfire shouted and then one of the officers said, "yeah,yeah...we've heard it all". The officers then put Blackfire on to the ground, and cuffed him when suddenly they heard a load of explosions go off. "What the fuck?", one of them said as buildings were on fire, collapsing into the streets.

"This City has fallen.....because of me", Bruce said, using a cane to support his back, wearing a white tank top, a pair of black sweat pants and a pair of trainers. "This isn't your fault...this is Bane's doing, not yours", Alfred told him and then Bruce said, "I don't know anymore Alfred....the city's at it's knees, there's nothing we can do". "Good news....the power's back on", a well dressed man said, with a moustache and brown hair. "Lucius, have you  managed to contact Gordon?", Bruce asked and then the man responded, "No...the GCPD's crawling with militia.  No sign of Gordon or anyone".

Meanwhile, in Gotham a mysterious figure, dressed in metallic armour, inspired by Knights, with a red cape, connecting to a red hood, a dark, red helmet covering his whole face, only revealing his eyes, a chain armour body, with golden shoulder pads and arm pads, followed by golden, metallic gloves, golden boots, with chain armour covering his legs, was in a fight brawl with a load of militia troops. "YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE CROSSED ME!", he shouted as he driven a silver sword through his chest and then the other militia thugs began to fire at him. The figure, then threw small throwing knives into their heads and then, sliced the last trooper's arm off and he screamed, "what....the fuck....are you?!", then the figure responded, "I AM THE ANGEL OF DEATH....I...AM....AZRAEL".

Selina lay in her bed, as she heard trucks drive up and down the street every few minutes, transporting militia thugs. She looked at her suit, and then said to herself, "oh, what the hell".

The Cat was running the rooftops of Gotham, and then came across a militia watchtower. "Wayne, Batman?.....Nah, the guys a playboy billionaire", a militia trooper said to another and then The Cat used her whip to strangle a soldier, pulling him back and then stamped on his head. "Bane wants the prisoners, delivered in ten. Let's get these moving", a mercenary said, as other troops held their guns at captured civilians. "You heat that?", one of them asked as they heard a weird noise, "errrr...I'll go and check it out", the other said and then in seconds he found The Cat's whip around his neck, he struggled and then she disarmed him and hit him across the face, with his gun. "Alright, shows over boys", she said as she shot three militia soldiers in the leg, as they reached for their two-way radio, but then The Cat and knocked them all out, "right, get outta here. Stay outta site, take their weapons", she said as she freed the civilians. "Thanks....whoever you are..." one of them said and then she ran onto another rooftop, avoiding the militia's sight.

" of our towers have been took out", a militia troop informed Bane and then he responded, "blow it". The trooper then responded, "yes, sir", as he spoke on his two-way radio, "yup...good to go", and then the tower had been blown up, killing the civilians.

The Cat, had a shocked, and speechless look on her face, as the tower had blown up behind her, and almost hit her with the blast radius.

Meanwhile, at the GCPD, Jim and a group of cops had planned an ambush, to re-claim the precinct. "We're not sneaking in that place", an officer said to Jim, and then he responded, "we're not...we're crowding them". "You ready?", a voice said through Jim's radio and then he responded, "!", and then a dozen amount of bullets fired at a large amount of militia troopers outside of the building. "Let's go!", Jim shouted as his team rushed towards the entrance, shooting at all the militia troops that they could see, while the other team did the same at the back entrance. Jim hid behind a wall, as bullets flew their way and then he took a shot at one of the militia troops, but then a helicopter had came in, dropping off more militia troops. "Come on, push!", Harvey Bullock shouted as they fired all of their weapons at the militia, "Fall back!", one of the troops said as they were losing re-enforcements. "Shoot down the chopper!", Jim ordered down the radio, to the other team as a rocket fired from the helicopter. Suddenly after that, rockets were been fired from the other side of the precinct at the chopper, as the militia troopers were being destroyed by the police. The helicopter, had then crashed into the street as the soldiers had been outmatched by the GCPD, "We can do this the right way, and you can surrender!", Jim shouted at the troops, then a few of them but their weapons down, except for one who carried on shooting and ended up getting shot their self.

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