"A Chelsea smile....this is new", Captain Gordon said as he stood next to the forensic scientist, as he analysed a mutilated body, with a cut smile on his face. "THE OTHER VICTIM WAS LEFT WITH A PLAYING CARD", Batman told them, as he stood behind them, without them being aware of his presence. Batman held the card, in his hands, as it appeared to be a Joker playing card, with a blood stain over the Joker face. "The smile, and the think they're linked?", Jim asked Batman and then he responded, "THEY ARE. I THINK THIS IS CONNECTED TO THE PYG...WEAVER WAS MURDERED AS SON AS HE ABOUT TO REVEAL WHO PYG WAS HIRED BY. HE WAS ABOUT TO SAY THAT HE CALLS HIMSELF, THE....BUT WAS CUT OFF ON THE LETTER J. THIS SUGGESTS THAT THE ONE BEHIND ALL OF THIS, IS KNOWN AS 'THE JOKER'?". "You think this 'Joker' guy, is the one that killed him?", Jim wondered and then Batman responded, "MOST LIKELY...OR AT LEAST SOMEONE ASSOCIATED WITH HIM".THE NEXT MORNING, WAYNE MANOR:
"This late nights, are really interrupting you're schedule, aren't they Master Wayne?", Alfred said as he pulled open the curtains to wake Bruce up. "In case you've forgetting Sir, but you're friend, Harvey Dent has has invited you to an event tonight, I'm guessing that you won't be attending again, due to your late night adventures with the police?", Bruce then responded, with his face resting on his pillow, "I don't have time for these events Alfred, we're in the dark times, Gotham is falling....I can feel it, this city needs a protector, and I'm trying to help out", "oh, and what if you fail, or what if... 'The Joker', isn't even a real person, and this is all one big story and you're the main character?", Alfred questioned and then Bruce answered, "only time will tell Alfred...only time will tell".Shorty after, Alfred had heard the doorbell ring, and had gone to answer. "Hey, Alfred", the person said, as he opened up the door to see Jim Gordon, standing opposite him. "Ah, Jim. What brings you here?", Alfred asked and then Jim replied, "oh, I'm sorry to drop by unexpectedly, but I just thought I'd pop buy, and catchup with you guys, if that's okay?". "Oh no, it's fine, Master Wayne'll be down soon, he's just getting up", Alfred told him as the two entered the house, then Jim replied, "it's nearly twelve o'clock, he been out last night?", "yes, he was paying a visit to some old friends of his, actually", Alfred lied to cover up for Bruce and then Jim responded, "Bruce Wayne has a social life....I remember when he was a kid, you couldn't get him out the house....then when he was growing up, you couldn't keep him in the house", "aha, yes...Bruce was never much of a social one when he was young, but it all changed as he's grown older", Alfred laughed as the two walked through the corridors. The two reached the kitchen and Alfred asked, "wanna cuppa?", then Jim answered, "yes, I'll have two Sugars please", and then Alfred replied, "two sugars coming up". "This is unexpected", Jim heard as he turned around to see Bruce, wearing a black long-sleeved t-shirt, a pair of dark blue, denim pants and a pair of grey sneakers. "'ve you been?", Jim asked and then Bruce answered, "not too bad actually, what about you?", then Jim replied, "well...surviving, being the Captain isn't an easy job", then Bruce laughed and responded, "I can imagine". "Alfred told me, the force has made an alliance with The Batman?", Bruce asked and then Jim told him, "Don't you watch the news?", Bruce then responded, "no...not really, it's just the same things being repeated if you ask me", "you're not wrong", Jim replied, raising and eye brow, while drinking some tea.
"Bruce, glad you could make it", Harvey greeter Bruce as he entered the room, wearing a black tuxedo, with his hair neatly combed backwards. Bruce then shook his hand and told him, "it's a pleasure Harv, if you ever thinking of doing another one of these you should let me know, maybe we could host one together?", then Harvey responded, "I'm up for that yeah, we'll have to see what we can do". As Bruce walked over to the bar, he noticed Selina Kyle was hanging around, wearing a black dress. "Well, look what the cat dragged in...", Bruce said to her, she turned and responded, "oh,'s been a while", then Bruce asked, "so, what are you doing here?", then she told him, "oh, I was invited". Bruce smiled and responded, "no, you weren't", she then looked at I'm in confusion and questioned, "excuse me?", Bruce then told her, "this event is only for Harvey's guest list, and no offence miss Kyle, but me and you both know, you're not on that list, so what are you doing here?", Selina laughed and told him, "Mr are mysterious, you know that right....that's a nice watch you have", she added and then Bruce responded, "and that's a nice necklace, it almost looks exactly like the one I saw on TV the other night", Selina then laughed and said, "maybe I just have good taste", and walked off.

FanficAfter returning home from travelling around the world, Bruce Wayne returns to become a symbol and to strike fear into the criminals of Gotham. Based on the DC Comics character, created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane Written, by @justicestudios