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FACT#85: George R.R. Martin took to his LiveJournal today to discuss his recent interview schedule, taking a moment to express his exasperation at constantly being asked who his favorite character was. As anyone who's read the A Song Of Ice And Fire books, watched the Game Of Thrones show, or read any interview with GRRM can attest, it's the clever, sarcastic, heroic, pragmatic, and incredibly virile Tyrion Lannister so don't ask again, thanks.

Martin then proceeded to explain that he loves all of his point-of-view characters, but clearly not equally, then proceeded to list them off. "I love all my viewpoint characters, Arya and Sansa and Bran, Jon Snow and Brienne, Arianne and Cersei and Jaime, Theon, even Victarion and the Damphair, ALL of them, but I love Tyrion the bestest." By not mentioning Daenerys, the author clearly foreshadowed her imminent death and is also laughing in the face of all supporters of Team Targaryen.

Martin also went out of his way to call attention to this interview in The Independent in advance of the Neuchâtel International Film Festival for in-depth discussions of aspects of his life and writing that aren't normally covered. It includes discussions of how his chess skills helped him become a writer; his family's class background in Bayonne, New Jersey; his appreciation for Psycho, one of the films he introduced at the festival; and his thoughts on a potential Game Of Thrones film. "I don't care about 3D," he says. "It gives me a headache."

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