Chapter 4;

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.:Ali's POV:.

"Whose Amanda Hayes.." I asked

"She's my Ex.." He said

"So Hayes, if you want your 'poor Ali' back, meet me at the beach in 10 minutes. I cried

"Fine Amanda. Whatever the fuck you want just don't hurt her or I swear.." He said

"Awe Hayes Baby, don't be rough on her. Or should I tell her what you did to her?"

"What..?" I asked confused

"Oh dear, he didn't tell you?" She laughed "That's LOW Hayes."

"Amanda.. Plea-" before she hung up.

"What are you talking about.."

"Oh, I'll tell you." She laughed and told me

"He never liked you Ali. He liked you because your the popular kid at your HighSchool. He's using you, Just like he did me. I was the popular girl in HighSchool. He became my bestie. Dated me, had sex then he fucking left me, Ali. So when he hurts you don't fucking come to me."

I started to cry. Is he seriously ONLY using me for MORE fame and sex? HELL FUCKING NO! She might be lieing.. But I still can't believe he did that! Had sex with her, then left? What if she was pregnant? He's goin to fucking get it.

(At The Beach)

I was crying. I was sitting tied against a tree trying to scream for Hayes. I just couldn't'! The rope feels like it's going to kill me . I heard Hayes running towards me then darkness started to surround me. Am I going to die? Oh my god please don't let me die!

.:Hayes POV:.

I saw her passing out. I ran as fast as I could and I held her limp body against mine. un-tied the ropes and walked her over to Nash's car . "HOSPITAL!" I screamed crying my heart out. "Calm down! Do you have Ali?!!" He started "She's unconscious Nash! I yelled crying "Okay we'll be there in no more than 7 minutes bro calm down for her sake"

-5 Minutes at the hospital-

The doctor came into the room while my elbows were on my knee's and my face is placed in my hand while I was crying my heart out. I can't loose her! I haven't even told her I loved her..

"We have some good news"

"Tell us!" I said

"She'll be out of here most likely tomorrow because her blood wasn't going threw her vains"

"Fucking Amanda.." I mumbled

"Pardon sir?"

"Nothing." I smiled (fake bitchezzzzz)

She walked out and I ran to Ali.

"Ali, you'll be out of here tomorrow and I'm NEVER leaving your side ever again you hear me? I mean of course you do. Your just sleeping. Ali.. I-I Love you"

.:Alison's POV:.

"Ali.. I-I Love you" I heard Hayes say. I instantly woke up. I don't know why? Something was telling me to wake to wake me lazy ass up. I can tell I freaked him out by when I woke up. I kept my eyes shut I just whispered to him slightly


"Mhm?" I sat up slowly and went to his ear

"Thanks for taking care of me" I whispered and fell back into the hospital bed and started to fall asleep as his hand made his way to my cheek and kissed my temple I just smiled as his hand came into him. I fell asleep peacefully.

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