(Request) Solangelo- Wounds

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Requested by girlwhoreadtomuch :)))))))

Nico's POV (first person, second person and third person all switch in my writing by the way, sorry lmao)

       Nico was furious. He couldn't believe he had injured himself in such an idiotic way. He immediately decided he wouldn't go to the infirmary for such a minor, stupidly obtained injury.

     He was sitting. That's right; sitting. He had reached over to grab his jacket and a sharp pain had shot from his elbow to his wrist, like being stabbed with a dozen needles in a straight line. He had gotten injured barely moving after helping stop the world from total annihilation.

     He cradled his wrist as he walked bitterly back to the Hades cabin, grumbling under his breath as he felt around the tendons and muscles in his wris. He hated that he had injured his right wrist, since it was (obviously) his dominant hand.

     He sat down on his bed with a groan, laying down on his side, glaring at his wrist, which was throbbing in pain. Deciding it would magically heal over a nap, he closed his eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep. He could skip lunch for a nap.

      Of course, he had a dream. He was a demigod. This time, it was more confusing than scary. He was running, andit was about sunset. He looked desperate, tearing through the woods, branches cutting at his clothes and pale skin. He was running towards the sunset, reaching forward, like he were scared the sun would slip bellow the horizon and he would never be able to see it again. Tears stung at his eyes now as he ran.

     Suddenly, as if he had run into an invisible wall, he bounced back. The scene morphed around him mid-fall, and now he was laying in a hospital bed. The scent of alcohol and latex overwhelmed him, the steady beeping of a heart monitor sounding from somewhere in the room.

     "Fucking idiot! Always trying to rely on himself to deal with his injuries, the idiot's going to end up with a fatal wound and try to sleep it off!"

     "Woah woah woah, Will, relax, it's not really that big of a deal! Why do you care so much about the emo cast out anyways?"

     At this point, Nico realized that he was hearing what was happening in real life while dreaming, which wasn't good because it was often nearly impossible to wake up at this point.

     "Don't talk about him like that James! He's not a cast out! He only seems like one because people like you run from him like he's going to murder you in your sleep!"

      "Well isn't he? I heard a rumor that he killed his sister Hazel! I haven't seen her since the war!"

      "She goes to Camp Jupiter you dumb-ass! He didn't kill her! Just go! Get out, so I can focus on healing this dumb-ass' sprained wrist."

     Nico had never been so confused in his life. Will Solace was sticking up for him? Why? They had only talked a few times, and Nico didn't really know why Will talked to him. "Whatever Will." James sighed. Nico could hear his receding footsteps, and internally winced as he felt his wrist being fumbled with.

     About twenty minutes later, there was another voice. "Alright, who left Will in charge of di Angelo?!"

     A third voice snickered. "Might want to check if he's up to date on a prostate exam. We'll make sure you get the job if he isn't."

      "Will you guys fuck off? Great, thanks."

     Second voice. "Oh come on Free Willie, we're just messing with you!"

     "Yeah, everytime I get him as a patient? I swear you guys assign me to him every time JUST so you can tease me. So fuck off?" Will asked hopefully.

     "Nah, we'll just stay. It's not like he's awake- You can't possibly be ashamed. Or is poor Will scared that his wittle crush will find out?"

     "I said fuck off."

     Nico was beyond confused. Will LIKED him? Not only as a friend, but in a romantic sense?

     "Nah. Hey James! Check Nicos file! What does he need done!?"

     "Uh... Adam, he's up to date on everything except for a few shots and a blood test."

     Nico could start to finally feel some of his limbs, which was good. He was already formulating a plan in his head. He just had to execute it properly. Nico knew he could, but it would be risky.

     "Damn. Uh... Spontaneous prostate exam? We'll only have the hot ones come in though."

     "You guys are sick. Bloody sick bastards."

     "I call Percy!"

     "NO ONE gets Percy because PERCY is a PERSON not an object. Go fuck your blow up dolls you bloody perverts."

     "I'm calling Percy now."

     "I'm going to tell him once he gets here and he's going to beat you into three centuries from now."

     "Will does have a point Adam..."

     "A horny guy's gotta do what a horny guys gotta do."

     Nico could finally feel all his limbs and was sure he could stand. Just a few more minutes.

     "This is literally the most powerf-"

     "James, shut up and text him!"

      "Fine, fine. Uh... 'Adam needs you. Not up to date on your prostate ex-" there was suddenly an extremely loud shattering sound, and a cry of "MY PHONE! WILLIAM SOLACE, YOU'RE DEAD!"

     Nico chose the perfect time to 'Wake up.' He fake yawned, turning on his side in time to see all three half-brothers staring at him.

     "Perverts, watching a guy sleep."

     All three of them were silent for a while as Nico sat up, biting his bottom lip as blood suddenly rushed to his head. He swayed slightly and Will immediately rushed forward, gently holding both his shoulders to support him so he didn't fall. Once he saw that Nico was okay, he said I the most strict doctor voice he could manag, "Nico, if you leave one more injury unattended I'm going to have to-"

     "Shhhhh," Nico soothed, putting a sole finger up to Wills lips, feeling oddly brave, forcing himself to not smirk when he saw Wills face to dark red.

     "I'm perfectly fine, relax. Ta-ta now," Nico hummed, getting up and starting to walk towards the exit. Just before he left the room, he turned to face Will. "Also, I'd love a prostate exam. Maybe a date first though? How about tonight? Six thirty? I'll pick you up. See you then." Nico winked at Will before slipping out the door. He could hear the stunned silence on the other side and smirked, and left after he heard some congratulatory cheers and whistles from James and Adam.

     Authors Note

     Yo do you guys (mainly the person who requested the chapter) want a second chapter about their date? I feel like that would he great. I'll write it if you want lmao



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