(Fluff) Pernico

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Nicos POV

I don't understand how Percy was so attractive. With his jet black hair, absolutely gorgeous sea green eyes, perfectly tanned skin, just the way all his features came together to form a person who could rival Aphrodite. Especially his lips. How much I longed to kiss his beautiful, faded pink rose colored lips.

However, I was... I was me. I was the emo. The loner. The loser of Camp Half-Blood. To say he looked horrified was an understatement when I lied and said I used to have a crush on him. If you couldn't tell, it lingered- Hard and strong. Like a constant ache whenever I saw him. I had to restrain myself from just pinning him to a wall and kissing him every single damn time I saw him.

Will was a bitch to me so I dumped him. He was way to clingy and wanted to move the relationship WAY too fast for my comfort level. Second date and he was already trying to fuck me. That got me a few rivals from the Apollo cabin, but whatever. Most the camp hated me anyways- what's a few more to hurt?

So anyways it was dinner at the dining pavilion and I was zoned out, thinking about Percy, per usual- more specifically his lips- when I heard screaming. Not like "oh my gods I'm in pain" or "Oh my gods I'm so scared," it was screams of absolute anger and loathing. Deciding it peaked my interest, I looked up and saw it was Annabeth screaming. At Percy. Huh. That's something new. Not.

Annabeth screamed at him like once a day now. Starting last week about. I think. But it always ended with Annabeth storming away or out from wherever she had been screaming while Percy sullenly stared at a random object until he slunk to his cabin to disappear for the rest of the day. He never spoke a single word back or even made a sound or action towards her, just listened, like he were actually contemplating the words the bitch-Err, Annabeth- was feeding him.

She was screaming about him zoning out whenever she was trying to teach him something, or something along those lines, I was too busy staring at Percy. "Annabeth. That's enough." Chirons voice echoed through the pavilion, causing Annabeths screaming to cease and nervous ripples of whispered chatter through the pavilion.

She slowly turned to face him, glaring. "You can't tell me what to do," she snapped, her pride taking over. She wasn't backing down anytime soon, I knew that.

"Go to the big house and wait for me." Chirons voice was cool and collected, but stern and demanding.

Annabeth had a mini staring/glaring contest with Chiron before letting out a loud, indignant huff, storming out of the pavilion and towards towards the big house.

Everyone was silent as they watched Percy, who just stared at his table for a couple minutes before he got up and left the pavilion, heading towards the U of cabins surrounding the idle entertainment sector.

Deciding to actually do something, unlike everyone else had the last week or so, I got up and headed for the ring of cabins. The air was cooler than normal, the waves beating down aggressively on the beaches of the canoe lake, dark and murky, almost black. Storm clouds had gathered in a thick blanket around the camp perimeters, and it still awed me just how powerful Percy was, to be doing all this without even trying.

I walked up to the Poseidon cabin, slowly sand cautiously before knocking on the door. "Come in." Percy's voice was deep and melodious and UGH he was so hot.

I cleared my head and cracked the door open, slipping through the small opening before shutting the door behind me. Percy looked mildly startled to see me. He was just sitting on his bed, leaning against the wall his bed was pressed against. "Are you okay?" I asked quietly, not leaving my spot just inside the doorframe.

Percy nodded slightly, staring at me in short silence before he opened his mouth. "I half expected Annabeth."

I shook my head. "Nope. Just me."

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